Subject: 2 ways to save on shipping

Hi Friend,

Did you know that you can control your dubia roaches' growth rate by adjusting the temperature of their enclosure? This can help you save on shipping two ways:

  1. The slow growth method: Keep dubias cool enough, and they'll grow very slowly, if at all. That way you can place larger orders less often, and take advantage of our flat rate shipping. Just keep the extra ones cool so they stay at the right size until needed.

  2. The grow-out method: Order the size you need, along with extra roaches of the next size down. The smaller roaches can grow out while you're feeding off the larger ones.

Want to know the exact right temperatures to pull off each of these methods perfectly (along with a ton of other tips on storing dubia roaches)? Check out this week's blog here:

Get More Tips

Have a great week,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. Ready to order? Cool beans - we just loaded up our store for the week!

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