Subject: 🤢2 Cleaners NEVER to Use for Reptile Enclosures

Do you use these products? Read our latest blog for 11 safer solutions!

Hi Friend,

Ever walked into a recently cleaned bathroom and felt your eyes and nose burning from chlorine?

Imagine being stuck in there all day - that's what your reptile experiences if there is bleach residue in their cage!

As it turns out, some very common household cleaners can be quite dangerous to your pet.

Here are two to stay away from:

  1. Bleach solutions: Bleach creates dangerous fumes that can persist even after cleaning is done.

  2. Ammonia: Ammonia is highly irritating to both skin and respiratory tissues (not to mention the GI tract if it is ingested!) And, the fumes can also persist for hours without proper ventilation (such as inside a recently-cleaned enclosure.) Not recommended!

So what should you use instead?

We've done a bunch of research on cleaners and found 11 safer solutions you might want to try - plus best cleaning practices for a healthy, happy reptile. Read about them here!


The Bug Shed Team

P. S. When cleaning's done, it's dinner time! Get your dubia roaches here.

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