Subject: Proof 2 ☼ ☾ ✩ CHLQ June Newsletter 2018

O Mensageiro
Church of the Holy Light of the Queen
June Newsletter 2018
June Schedule of Works

4th - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

9th - Saturday - 4pm - Santo AntônioHinário Padrinho Sebastião 71 - Nova Jerusalém - White Farda

16th - Saturday - 5pm - Hinário da Fe - Special Work with Ana Paschoa - suggested donation $80-120 for CHLQ tithing members and visitors to CHLQ to help raise funds for Ana - Blue Farda

23rd - Saturday - 3pm - São João - Hinário Mestre Irineu - White Farda

30th - Saturday - 4pm - São Pedro
Hinário Padrinho Alfredo 96 - Nova Dimensão - White Farda 

Up Coming Events

Pre-Festival Community Meeting
 June 3rd 2018 

  2-5pm - We will meet at the Yurts to have an opportunity to connect as a community before our Summer Festival.  Light refreshments will be provided.
Memorial for Joanie Rolph
June 17th 2018
T H E   F A M I L Y   O F 


SUNDAY - JUNE 17TH - 2018



This will be taking place at the house of Jonathan and Jane.  Joanie was a special friend to many, and all who loved her are welcome to attend.  

We will be dedicating a tree in her honor.
A Message from Church in Amsterdam 
Before July 1st!

We have been asked to participate in a study that is taking place in Amsterdam, and will assist the Church there in its legalization process.  

The goal is to:

1) To show that there is scientific evidence that Ayahuasca can reduce or even cure the symptoms of depression, anxiety, addiction and post traumatic stress disorder
2) That there is no scientific evidence that Ayahuasca is harmful for people with the above mentioned complaints
3) That Ayahuasca is not addictive (criteria List 1 Opium Act), on the contrary, can cure addiction
4) To formulate recommendations for the Trimbos Institute, the GGZ and the Ministry of Public Health

Your participation is extremely valuable. 
Please fill out the Questionnaire no later than July 1st.  Thank You!

Message from Ceu Da Divina Luz
Hi All,

Mark your calendars. We will be having our 2018 Biennial Desert Work which will be held east of Bend on Sat, August 4th. We will meet at 3:30 AM. More information and RSVP notice will be sent out soon.

Blessings, CDL

You Are Light in the Darkness: Embodying Compassion, Faith and Forgiveness
Recorded 3 Session Online Class Series with Jonathan Goldman

We are taught by all the true spiritual teachers from every line and every culture that the Divine is inside of us. We are counseled to cease our endless, fruitless and ultimately hopeless looking and questing outside of ourselves for what they know and teach us is waiting for our attention in the inner dimensions of our own being. In fact, the qualities we associate with authentic spirituality—calmness in the face of turmoil, compassion in the face of suffering, faith in the face of fear and forgiveness in the face of condemnation, judgment and vengeance—are indeed inside us. They each have their assigned place in your your energy vehicle—your bodies—and more specifically in your heart. In this class you will be given a new and authentic view of your self—your bodies, your inner landscape, your inner being. You will then be guided to discover these spiritual qualities inside yourself and how to access and make use of them. Making these spiritual qualities into practical ones and helping you to take the next steps on your own path of transformation, healing, illumination and empowerment.

Session 1: Entering Your Heart
Session 2: Activating the Universal Forces in Your Heart
Session 3: Living in the Heart in the Material World
Series Tuition:

Each class is 90 minutes.
This recorded class series is available on demand.


Love Never Dies

We are sad to announce that Padrinho Nel has made his passage.

Padrinho Alfredo and the Comitiva ended their tour early to be home with him in his last days. 

This beloved father, friend and example to us all pasted away recently.  He is of the first generation of Daimistas, by the side of Padrinho Sebastiao, helping to ground the Light on Earth in heart of the Amazon Forest, in Ceu do Mapia living the Doctrine of the Holy Daime.  Many of us here in North America have not had the honor of being in his presence, so we can only imagine the impact on his community.  Let us focus our thoughts and prayers on the family on Padrinho Nel, especially his children Rute and Roberval as well as all those who felt close to him.

May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him

Reflections on Hosting Padrinho Alfredo
Ashland, 2018
Written by Rebecca Wujek 
"It was a great honor to be able to host Padrinho Alfredo in my home. I was nervous before hand, as I do not speak Portuguese, I haven’t been to Brazil and didn’t personally know Padrinho or other members of the family. My trepidations were quickly overcome by the simple kindness I was shown upon introduction.

Humility, kindness, simplicity, these are words that describe what I felt from these people. The only Portuguese I know is tiny bits from singing the hymns. Fortunately I speak pretty basic, but fluent Spanish so that opened up a channel of communication. Yet even with the language barrier, a few days into their stay I had begun to feel like we were a family. They of course are a biological and communal family- I just felt like I was part of it. I called them “the Family.” So when Luiz Fernando read the teachings of Padrinho Sebastiao, about the Familia Juramidam, I felt a deep significance.

Before they arrived, I had been asking people would I need to clean up for them? Would I need to cook? Again, my concerns were unnecessary as they maintained the kitchen to a standard of cleanliness that I’ve never seen before. Everything was dealt with after it was used- dishes washed, counters wiped down, floor swept if necessary. Even after eating after the Work.

I remember one moment where Madrinha pointed out that the trash was full. Normally I would have left it for the next day, and then probably let it get overly full before it ended up outside in the trash bin, probably wishing that someone else was doing it. Yet that night, something about the look she gave me told me just go on and do it. By this time we had a good sense camaraderie and they would tease me sometimes, and I wanted them to feel happy and cared for. So partly to please, partly to fulfill the responsibility of the task I had (nobody else knew where to take the trash to) and partly to see what it felt like to respond and take care of it in the moment, I took it out, just that simple. Along with that I got some fresh air and saw the moon. No problem. Contrary to that, one night I didn’t take out the almost full compost bucket under the sink. I woke up the next morning and some of the family already had to prevent overflow by pulling out a different bowl for the scraps of papaya. Of course, not the biggest deal, but I learned it really feels better to complete everything in the moment. We don’t have to leave a mess behind us- we clean up after where we have been and the space is neat and feels good and ready for use by the next ones. I understood that while this was happening on a physical level in regard to cleaning, it is a lesson to apply to our energy and human interactions.

I shared how impressed I was with Jonathan and he provided some greater insight. In Mapia, in the Amazon they always have to clean up after eating because if any food or trash is left out it attracts pests. So it’s just what you do- everything is cleaned up impeccably.

For me, observing this impeccability was a revelation about the simple attention of completing what we are doing, keeping space clean and clear, keeping relations simple and easy and humble.

Madrinha liked a spot out the back door where there is a couch to sit on and overlook the backyard. It made me happy like a little girl with her grandmother to just sit on the couch by her side. I pointed out to her where my dog was buried and showed her pictures of Pearl, who had passed in January. From the distance she thought the ceramic angel at the head of the grave looked like little white dog ears. We had this conversation with maybe 10 words in Portuguese and Spanish.

So do I know that their relationships are always simple and easy? Most likely not. Or if they are humble with everyone they meet? I would think that is often the case, but I don’t know for sure. They are the ones who travel outside their comfort zone, into countries where they don’t speak the language or share the culture. What is it like for them to consider how the Daime has come from their homeland to this foreign place where now they come to share the religion and teachings of the Doctrine they grew up in? Well, I should learn Portuguese so that I can ask and understand the answer.

What I do know is what I witnessed, what I felt and what I learned. Kindness and simplicity, love and harmony, unity, family. This can be a way of life- and it seems to me that what can get us there is impeccability, and the amazing thing is it can start with doing your dishes."

Welcome to the World!!!
Emanuel Chris - May 4th 2018

We are proud and excited to announce the arrival of Emanuel Chris, born into the arms of Nathaniel and Marcia in their new home in Lumiar.  They are surrounded by loving community and are within the most precious time that new parents can have.  May they fully receive in depth of their hearts the healing that new life brings.  Let us radiate this trio with all our love and best wishes as they move forward together in love. 
Arriving Any Day Now!
Our dear friends Angela and Carel patiently await the arrival of their baby who is expected any day at their home in Maine.  Let us send them prayers and vibrations of peace and calmness during this special time.  We ask the Divine Mother to bless the path before them.  May they have all the strength and support they need to make it through the time ahead. 
A Message from Uschi
I am moving to Ashland this summer-finally!- and would like to ask for help with finding a place to rent in Ashland.

Word of mouth and personal connections are probably still the best way to find a new home.

Ideally I will find a 2-3 bedroom house with a garden, in or near town, Talent would be good as well. I can pay around $1800.
I am moving on June 29th, and am looking for a place starting July 1st.

Thank you, blessings for a happy day,
Uschi Schneider

A Call to Help Establish Santo Daime Point in New Mexico
Beloved Daime family,
Greetings from within the Four Sacred Mountains!

We are Celebrating the Lives of...

Deana M.   June 4th

Rebecca W.  June 5th

Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years.  

Happy Birthday!

May the joy that you have spread in the past come back to you on this day.

Extended Calendar of Spiritual Works


2nd - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

7th - Saturday - 5pm - Passage of Mestre Irineu - Hinário Mestre Irineu - White Farda

15th - Sunday - 5pm - Concentration - Blue Farda

20th, 21st  Friday, Saturday - Self Transformation Works - For details and to register contact Ashley:

22nd - Sunday - 2pm - Day of Mary Magdalene - Hinário of Sônia Palhares - Blue Farda


5th - Sunday - 1pm - Mensageiros da Cura in the Forest - Whites/No Uniform

6th - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

15th - Wednesday - 7pm - Concentration - Blue Farda


1st - Saturday - 5pm - Forgiveness Work - Blue Farda

15th - Saturday - Concentration - Blue Farda

29th - Saturday - Healing Work TBA - Blue Farda


CHLQ, 295 E Main Street, Suite 14, 97520, Ashland, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.