Subject: PROOF 2 - CHLQ May Newsletter 2018

O Mensageiro
Church of the Holy Light of the Queen
May Newsletter 2018

May Schedule of Works

7th - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

12th - Saturday - 6pm - Celebration of Mother's Day -  Blue Farda

15th - Tuesday - 7pm - Concentration
- Blue Farda

26th - Saturday - 6pm - Cura - Blue Farda

Padrinho Alfredo
Ashland 2018
A Letter From Jonathan
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

When we dropped Padrinho Alfredo and company off at the airport today, Jane and I looked at each other and just said, “Wow”.

If you were at the Works we did this last weekend, you saw and felt and received the unity, Light, joy, depth and teachings that they carried to us. What I want to fill you in is some of what went on behind the scenes that led up to and resulted from those events.

They had not been to Ashland for 4 years. There were many reasons for that gap, some of them circumstantial and some relational. Everyone wanted this visit to happen, and both sides made an effort that involved changing agendas to ensure that it could. But none of us knew what to expect, only what we could do to allow for what might happen. On our end we took advantage of the circumstances to work collaboratively among some of the people in the wider local Daime circle. The Works were held at two locations. That involved a lot of calm shlepping, a lot of set up and tear down; a lot of logistical decisions that gave the opportunity for working together. By all accounts that collaboration was most successful, among the members of CHLQ and with those who came to pitch in from other points.

The hypothesis that when we pay attention and follow what our guides urge us to, what happens is far beyond and far better than what we could have imagined or hoped, was proven (again) without a doubt. It is clear that Padrinho Alfredo and his circle are not just the leaders of our spiritual line. They are also our friends.

There were a number of meetings that happened in between and after the works. Those meeting ranged from informal conversations that happened spontaneously to formal discussions of the future of our legal process and of the various expressions of the Daime now occupying the Ashland circle. They were characterized by calm listening and sharing. Padrinho Alfredo provided the atmosphere and wisdom. The rest of us filled in the details.

Padrinho Alfredo and Luis Fernando expressed their respect and support for our mission in CHLQ and our work in all its permutations. We drank Daime in the Works from 4 sources; Daime of unity. And we collectively, from all the 11 points and churches represented in the salão, chose to experiment with stepping into the space to which Padrinho Alfredo is calling us: the space of union with truth, with less talking and more Light. There is, at least as of today, a softening of edges, an availability of heart and a calming of egos that can, if we want it, lead to a generosity of spirit among us that can be of great use as we go forward.

On behalf of Jane and myself, I want to most sincerely thank everyone who was lucky enough to pay attention to the call to come and be a part of this beautiful renewal. May we all continue to remember, and to remind each other, of the space we stepped into and may we make it the basis of our work and our relationships as we take our next steps on the path of the Christ that we share with each other and with the people of the forest.

Love to all,


CHLQ Thanks You
Deepest Gratitude to all who traveled to join us in coming together for these profound works with Padrinho Alfredo.  We are celebrating a victorious weekend with our beloved Lineage holder of the Santo Daime & Comitiva and we give honor to the collaborative effort it took to make this event possible.   
CHLQ is putting together a photo collage to remember this profound time of healing, dedication and collaboration, friends and adversaries coming together, energizing the Church here in Ashland. 

Please send us your photographs of the Padrinho Alfredo weekend for us to include in a collage album to remember this special occurrence.  

Everyone who attended these works will receive the final photo album celebrating all the churches who came together to make these incredibly beautiful and light filled works happen so gracefully.

Viva União! Viva Todos Igrejas! Viva Nossa Irmandade! 

Send Photos To:

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Up Coming Events

Self Transformation Works
 May 25th - 28th

Jonathan and Jane will be in Maryland leading 3 Self Transformation Works and the Hinario of Sonia Palhares.  
If you are interested please contact them at: where you will receive a write up about these works.  

Memorial for Joanie Rolph
June 17th 2018

A memorial service is being planned.

We are dedicating a tree in honor of Joanie and having a time to remember our beloved sister. More details will be announced in June.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us.

Our thoughts and prayers remain with Mason her beloved son.

You Are Light in the Darkness: Embodying Compassion, Faith and Forgiveness
Recorded 3 Session Online Class Series with Jonathan Goldman

We are taught by all the true spiritual teachers from every line and every culture that the Divine is inside of us. We are counseled to cease our endless, fruitless and ultimately hopeless looking and questing outside of ourselves for what they know and teach us is waiting for our attention in the inner dimensions of our own being. In fact, the qualities we associate with authentic spirituality—calmness in the face of turmoil, compassion in the face of suffering, faith in the face of fear and forgiveness in the face of condemnation, judgment and vengeance—are indeed inside us. They each have their assigned place in your your energy vehicle—your bodies—and more specifically in your heart. In this class you will be given a new and authentic view of your self—your bodies, your inner landscape, your inner being. You will then be guided to discover these spiritual qualities inside yourself and how to access and make use of them. Making these spiritual qualities into practical ones and helping you to take the next steps on your own path of transformation, healing, illumination and empowerment.

Session 1: Entering Your Heart
Session 2: Activating the Universal Forces in Your Heart
Session 3: Living in the Heart in the Material World
Series Tuition:

Each class is 90 minutes.
This recorded class series is available on demand.


Muita Gratidão Por Todos Nós!!!

Let us radiate our appreciation towards all those who stepped in volunteering their time and energy to operate as a harmonious team.  

  • A special thank you Ashley for volunteering on the packing and set up crew knowing that she was not going to be able to attend these works.  We would not have been so graceful without her.    
  • A special thank you to Ned for coming to Ashland to bless us with flute playing for our Ensaio.  We wish you could have stayed through the Works.   
Pictures from:
•Weekend work day
•Packing/moving salão to Grizzly peak
•Set up at Grizzly Peak

We are Celebrating the Lives of...

Jonathan G.  May 1st

Joseph S.   May 4th

Paulino A. May 8th

Laura Lee L.  May 20th

Naomi K.  May 27th

Happy Birthday!

Extended Calendar of Spiritual Works


4th - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

9th - Saturday - Time TBA - Day of Santo Antônio

15th - Friday - 7pm - Concentration - Blue Farda

17th - Sunday - Details TBA

23rd - Saturday - Time TBA - Day of São João - Hinário of Mestre Irineu - White Farda

30th - Saturday - Time TBA - Day of São Pedro - a portion of the Hinário of Padrinho Alfredo TBA - White Farda


2nd - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

7th - Saturday - Time TBA - Passage of Mestre Irineu - Hinário of Mestre Irineu - White Farda

14th - Saturday - 6pm - Concentration - Blue Farda


4th - Saturday - Time TBA - Mensageiros da Cura in the Forest 

6th - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

15th - Wednesday - 7pm - Concentration - Blue Farda

25th - Saturday - Time TBA - Healing Work


CHLQ, 295 E Main Street, Suite 14, 97520, Ashland, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.