Important Notice: We would like you to know, we are watching the weather. In light of recent snow fall, necessary precautions are being made to ensure that the yurts will be accessible and safe for everyone to attend the upcoming Self-Transformation Works. At this time the main roads remain clear, while there may be some snow accumulation on the private dirt road leading to the House of White Eagle. We are organizing a car-pool for those who are not experienced drivers in snowy conditions or who do not have an all wheel drive vehicle. Parking will be more limited than usual under these conditions. Please prepare to car-pool with others.
The car pool will take place in the parking lot of Bi-Mart, 2280 Ashland St, Ashland, OR 97520. Gather at 10:30am to arrive at the yurts by 11am. If you are in need of any assistance at all, please let us know your needs so that we help to arrange safe accommodations for you.
We look forward to your presence.
Contact us at if you have not received your confirmation email, are in need of directions to the yurts, have any last minute changes to your reservation, questions or concerns. |