Subject: C H L Q Zoom Call Thursday 6/25 at 8pm TOMORROW

C H L Q : Mandatory Zoom Check-In

Thursday June 25th at 8 p.m.

Dear Community,

Everyone attending the St. John work is requested to join a Zoom call tomorrow, this Thursday at 8 p.m.

We recognize this is short notice, so if you can't attend this Zoom meeting we ask that you call either David at (541) 951-0330 or Jane at (541) 951-3381 before the work to check in.

Please review the guidelines at the bottom of this email before the call and bring to the call any questions or concerns you may have.

Pre-Work Zoom Link and Details:
Thursday June 25th, 8:00 p.m.

*Make sure your Zoom is updated to the latest
version before the call so you can easily join.


Location of Work:

The work will be held outside in the forest,
in the terreiro at the House of White Eagle.
Dress appropriately for the weather.

Date and Time:

Saturday June 27th
Please be there in time to register by 10:45 a.m.
11 a.m. Rosary

Dress and Hinarios:

Blue Farda
Hinarios: The first half of the Hinario of Mestre Irineu and the Cruzeirinho.

A Word from Jonathan and Jane

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We’d like to clarify our point of view on this upcoming work.  

We, collectively, made a carefully thought-out program for the last work. We framed it as an experiment. We took into account many levels of information, intuition, and guidance. We set up the terriero in a grounded, sensible, and real way, honoring the need for distance and cleanliness, but not doing what the most strict and extreme opinions would have had us do. That was because in our evaluation we added faith to the mix.

Most particularly and importantly, we put the responsibility on each person contemplating coming to self-evaluate and self-triage in the spirit of caring for your brothers and sisters and the greater whole. 

The experiment was a success. The work was beautiful and strong, the harmony among us was exemplary, and no one arrived sick or has subsequently gotten sick. A number of people, in the spirit of self-triage, self-triaged themselves out of coming to the work. That was their choice, freely made.

The present expansion of the virus is, in our investigation, based on one major factor. Americans, being the unfortunately shallow thinkers that we are, having watched way too much television, think in black and white terms about everything.Thus to many people the situation vis a vis the virus is that we are either totally shut down or totally open. Nuance is not our strength.

As a result, many, many people in this country have declared that the virus is done and they can go about their lives as before, gathering in large groups (bars, gyms, churches, beaches). Now many are paying a price for it. Many more will.

Is it remotely possible that a person may have come in incidental contact with someone who later developed symptoms of the virus? Yes, of course. Incidental contact is unlikely to transmit the virus. It is primarily sustained contact in a closed space (see the above list) that is dangerous. And we are sure that the people who are asking to come will humbly examine themselves and their recent contacts with the greater good in mind.

As Judge Panner said at the end of our trial, “Everyone here knows how I’m going to rule.” We hear the concern and we honor the concerned ones. It is clear to us that by allowing a discreet  number of selected people come to this work, we are not increasing our risk in a way that would have us exclude brothers and sisters who want to come and pray with us. Faith and grounded intuition have been our guides so far, and they have not failed us. 

Because we are grounded, we also have the protection of the forest, the protection of the beings, the protection of the vibration of the Daime, and of our unified hearts.  


Jonathan and Jane


Please Review: Guidelines for Attendance

CHLQ will use the following guidelines for screening all who sign up for the works:
We are asking everyone to elevate your awareness and personal responsibility and take these guidelines seriously out of respect for health and safety of your brothers and sisters.  Caring for each other is our first priority. 
Primarily, attendees will self-screen using the guidelines below. In addition, we will have a screening station at the work to check forehead temperature and ask the screening questions again.  Please also take responsibility to honor your own personal comfort level with the precautions we are taking when considering if you are ready to attend a live work. If for reasons of concern for your health you decide to not attend, alternate arrangements are possible. Let David know if this is the case. 
Do not attend if you have:
  • fever of  99.5F or greater
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • recent (within 2 weeks) contact with COVID 19 patient
  • new loss of taste or smell
Or any two of the following symptoms:
  • sore throat
  • unusual headache
  • muscle aches
  • chills
Err on the side of caution, but not fear.

Guidelines for the Work
  • Reasonable distance between chairs. 
  • Daime served in paper cups
  • No common water glasses; everyone bring your own water bottle.
  • No shared food at end of work
  • Purge in disposable self-contained bags, provided by CHLQ
  • No shared blankets, pillows.  Everyone bring your own.
  • Use the provided hand sanitizer spray.
  • Use sanitizing spray provided in bathrooms.

We are looking forward to seeing you via Zoom tomorrow:

and we hope that you are staying healthy and safe!  
Love to you from CHLQ!


In Light,
Church of the 
Holy Light of the Queen

for questions please contact us at 

CHLQ, 295 E Main Street, Suite 14, 97520, Ashland, United States
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