Subject: ☀️🌙🌟 CHLQ: Registration Open for St. John's Work 6.23.22

Register for the

June 23rd

St. John's Work

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

June 23rd Work Registration

Date: Thursday, June 23rd

Time: 5 p.m.

Location: Indoors in the salão.

Hinarios: São João, hinário of Mestre. We are planning to do the entire hinario and may have to adjust.

Farda: White

Deadline: Register by Monday, June 20th

We are celebrating the lives of....


4 - Deanna M.

9 - Nancy M.

12 - Mona T.

12 - Ariane H.

20 - David K.

20 - Stephanie V.

21 - Adama H.

30 - Ben B.

Happy Birthday!

Upcoming (Tentative)

Schedule of Spiritual Works

23 Thursday - St. John's Work


3rd Sunday - Mass and Passage

Guidelines for Attendance

We are setting guidelines as best we can that are based in grounded faith. We all need to ask ourselves if we have been in situations that have been less safe in terms of being exposed to the virus. This is made more difficult by so many who do not have symptoms. 

You are coming to a Daime work and we will not be wearing masks and we will be closer than 6 feet apart. Please ask yourself if you are comfortable with that as well as asking yourself what your contact with others has been and make your decision about attending from that place.

Once again we would like everyone to elevate your awareness and personal responsibility and take these guidelines seriously out of respect for the health and safety of your brothers and sisters. Caring for each other is our first priority. 

Please also take responsibility to honor your own personal comfort level with the precautions we are taking when considering if you are ready to attend a live work.


Do not attend if you have:

  • fever of 99.5F or greater

  • cough

  • shortness of breath

  • recent contact (within 2 weeks) with COVID 19 patient

  • new loss of taste or smell


Or any two of the following symptoms:

  • sore throat

  • unusual headache

  • muscle aches

  • chills


Err on the side of caution, but not fear. 

Guidelines for the Work


  • Reasonable distance between chairs. 

  • Daime served in paper cups

  • No common water glasses; everyone bring your own water bottle.

  • No shared food at end of work

  • Purge in disposable self-contained bags, provided by CHLQ

  • No shared blankets, pillows.  Everyone bring your own.

  • Use the provided hand sanitizer spray.

  • Use sanitizing spray provided in bathrooms.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you are healthy and safe.


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