Subject: ☀️🌙🌟 CHLQ: Prayer Request for Eden's Mother

Please Send Daime Prayers to

Eden's Mother Intiana

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

A Request for Prayers

Dearest Daime Family -

Please send prayers for my mother, Intiana who just turned 75 and lives on the Big Island. She just found out yesterday she has malignant melanoma in her right shoulder. Apparently it is really ideal that she get surgery as soon as possible to remove the tumor so it doesn't spread more into her body or her blood.

However, right now unfortunately her insurance/medicare stuff is all messed up, so she's not covered at this exact moment, but a woman at the urgent care clinic is advocating for her, and is going to try to help her get the care and coverage she needs as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, she is also enduring financial and transportation hardships, and does not have any real support system in Hawaii.

She specifically asked me to send her "Daime Prayers" so I am inviting any of you who feel called to please send her Light and please visualize her getting the support she needs as gracefully and easefully as possible!

Thank you deeply,
Eden Sky


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