Subject:ย โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒ™๐ŸŒŸ CHLQ: Please Read

2025 Tithing

Pledge Form

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

For Friends and Members of CHLQ

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

What is tithing, and why does it matter to you?

Tithes are monthly payments that a CHLQ member or supporter commits to. Most tithes are made by members, but some people choose to support the church regularly from afar.

Tithing is a way to affirm your commitment to CHLQ, and through your support help ensure CHLQ continues to thrive.

These payments are made instead of work donations at all but the special works when people are brought in from out of town.

Tithes make up the bulk of the money that is available each year for church operations, such as land and building maintenance, Daime procurement, supplies, and much more.

Tithes thus allow the church to plan and budget, by relying on financial promises made.

The link below is our annual tithing survey.

If you are a tither, or would like to be, please fill it out as this helps us to plan for the year. Even if you do not tithe but consider yourself a member it is helpful to us if you fill it out.

Also, please note: You can now send donations and payments to CHLQ with Zelle, by using the email address make it very clear what any payments sent to CHLQ via Zelle are for, and who they are from. Zelle does not take out fees like Paypal does.

Your wonderful support is what makes it possible for CHLQ to continue to offer the Daime after 27 years.

Thank you for supporting your church!


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