O Mensageiro Church of the Holy Light of the Queen
November Schedule of Works
1 Thursday - 7 pm - Finados - Hinário of Germano, a Mass, then second half of Maria Damião - Blue Farda
Ensaio for this work will be held on Wed. 6 pm - Church office 295 E. Main St. Feel free to come anytime after 6 pm.
~ Please note there will be no work on Saturday the 3rd. 24 Saturday - 6 pm - TBA - Blue Farda
| | | Daime Self-Transformation Retreat Led by Jane Seligson, Jonathan Goldman and Crew November 11-17, 2018 House of White Eagle, Ashland, Oregon
A few spaces are still available in this retreat. Limited to 24 participants, this unique retreat is an immersive 7 day experience.
The retreat will combine the work of Daime Self-Transformation with the space of learning, processing, discernment, mediumistic training and energetic healing of the work of Essential Light Institute. These are parallel works, in that the vibration of healing and awakening that comes to each space is the same. The work of ELI is to teach the Divine tactics of navigating and making full use of the infusion of spiritual power and Light and becoming consciously choosing instruments of healing. The Daime is the intense laboratory where we are forged into those instruments. The crew for the retreat will include Jane, Jonathan, Sebastião Carlos, Clarice Martins, and Zara.
Yoga, the healing work of the Kambo, and massage will also be available during the retreat.
The cost of the retreat is $1400.
For more information about this retreat or to register, contact Ashley at
| | Kambô Amazonian Frog Medicine |
| | Kambô is the name given to a medicine that comes to us from the deep jungle of the Amazon region of Brazil. Gathered from the back of a tree frog, in the hand of a shaman it becomes a powerful medicine that gives strength, the healing of many illnesses, and most prominently, a strong and noticeable boost to the immune system of humans. In addition, on the spiritual levels of the medicine, the Kambô carries the energy of the jungle, the inherent harmony of nature and the power of rapid transformation.
Sebastião Carlos is a resident of the spiritual community of Flor da Montana in Lumiar, Brazil. He is, along with being a trained practitioner of the Kambô, an accomplished mediumistic healer and musician. He brings all of these talents and sensibilities to the simple yet delicate applicaton of the forest medicine of the Kambô. He works with each person individually to ascertain the particular application appropriate for that person on that day.
Sebastião will be offering Kambô before and after the Daime Self-Transformation Retreat
If you are interested in receiving a session with Sebastião, please let us know at
| | | Parliament of Religions happening in Toronto Canada,
November 1-7 this year.
Please take a moment to align your thoughts and prayers with this event, and these people working to protect our sacrament and plant medicines of the Amazon Rainforest. |
| | | Here are the four indigenous spiritual leaders who are travelling from the Amazon to address Parliament in Toronto.
Let us pray that there is a significant presence the Parliament to represent the diversity of traditions in the ayahuasca spiritual movement who are doing safe and sacred work. The team includes 4 indigenous spiritual leaders from 4 tribes in 4 Amazonian countries. There will also be 6 ayahuasca "experts" who can talk to the public in English, including Ben Meeus - who is a Daimista representing the legal interests of numerous European Santo Daime churches. Accompanying will be a Daime representative from the US, two people from ICEERS who organized the Ayahuasca Defense Fund and the World Ayahuasca Conference, someone from the Temple of the Way of Light, someone from the Union of Yagé Medics, and Benjamin Mudge who has been supporting the Santo Daime and the UDV being introduced to the Parliament.
| | Timely Message from Maria Alice 2018
Click on the link below to view the entire message from Madrinha Maria Alice.
| | An Invitation to support Josue's Medical Treatments
|  | "Hi, Let me introduce you to Josue Silva Dos Santos, son of Jurival Silva dos Santos and Maria Eunice Oliveira da Silva. He was born and raised in the Doctrine of Santo Daime in the Amazon Forest where he has lived and worked all of his life. At the age of 16, Josue began to have epileptic seizures that were largely controlled by conventional medications. In May of 2018, while visiting Ceu da Montanha, Josue suffered a debilitating seizure that hospitalized him for an entire month. Since then, Josue has been struggling to return to a normal daily life. In the quest for a better life and medical treatment, I am sending this request to all people who might know and love Josue and may want to help him. His medications are no longer working the way they used to, and we are seeking alternative ways of treating him so that he may return to enjoy his life. We are seeking to raise sufficient funds so that he may access doctors in the U.S. and will be able to purchase much-needed medications. I am sending this call out to anyone who might be able and be willing to help out.
Josue is a man from the Amazon forest. He had no opportunity to attend school or learn a trade. But he is a wonderful man who loves and respects all forms of life, especially the Amazon Forest. He is an exemplary human being. Having known him little less than six years, I have observed and learned that his faith in God and in his brothers and sisters are what inspires his perseverance in his quest for a cure. Josue is a humble and noble man. Please, if you find it in your heart to help him, donate what you can." |
| | Thank you to all who joined us in celebrating CHLQ's Anniversary!
We have taken this opportunity to honor our leaders Jonathan and Jane for having the faith and courage to open and hold this church through many challenges, and who continue to inspire us all with their example. We had an amazingly beautiful Concentration work, in the middle signing hymns of José Rosa, Baixinha, Jonathan and Jane. We Love You!!! |
| | | We Are Celebrating The Lives Of.... |
Madrinha Jane November 17th
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Extended Calendar of Spiritual Works
3 Monday - 6 pm - Mass - Blue Farda
8 Saturday - 4 pm - Our Lady of Conception - Opening of Festival - Hinário Mestre Irineu - White Farda
15 Saturday - Time TBA - Birthday of Mestre Irineu - Details TBA - White Farda
22 Saturday - Details TBA
26 Wednesday - 6 pm - Christmas Work - Details TBA
31 Monday - 5 pm - New Year's Work - Hinário Padrinho Alfredo - White Farda
January 2019
5 Saturday - Time TBA - Three Kings Day - Details TBA - White Farda
7 Monday - 6 pm - Mass - Blue Farda
15 Tuesday - 7 pm - Concentration - Blue Farda
19 Saturday - Time TBA - Saint Sebastian - Details TBA
February 2019
2 Saturday - Time TBA - Healing Work - Details TBA
4 Monday - 6 pm - Mass - Blue Farda
14 -16 Thurs. - Sat. - Time TBA - Celebration of José Rosa -Details TBA
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