Tennessee Firearms Association has been working with a third party vendor to get an online store started and to broaden the selection of items that are available on the store.
You can get to the
store directly or you can use the "Store" button on the right hand column of the TFA's main
The online store has sizes, colors and items that are not stocked by TFA for distribution at events.
TFALAC Annual Event - August 9, 2020Mark your calendars! The TFALAC's annual event and auction which is intended to raise funds for the TFALAC (a state registered political action committee) in order to support pro-2nd Amendment candidates is August 9, 2020. There is still time to get sponsorships, vendor tables, attendee tables and tickets. Event will be at a new location this year with limited occupancy so act quickly to make sure you can participate! Get information and tickets on the
TFALAC's 2020 Event webpage.