Tomi Lahren discusses with John Rich on June 29, 2023, that Tennessee
Gov. Bill Lee has called for the passage of a “Red Flag” gun control
bill in Tennessee and he is now forcing the Legislature into a special
session for that purpose! Mr. Rich explores how that proposal is a
dangerous attack on our rights as individuals and our rights as
protected by the Constitution. He discusses the official #RedFlagDown
mission and how you can help.
If you want to help with the mission, go to today!
Your involvement is critical to help stop Bill Lee's proposed Red Flag legislation.Please take action now and help the
TFALAC (a state political action committee) raise funds for its
#RedFlagDown mission to produce radio spots, social media campaigns, and other "get out the word" measures to stop Bill Lee's insistence that the state of Tennessee should be taking guns away from lawful gun owners in violation of the Constitution.