There are a number bills which have had updates to their status this
week and these changes (to the extent the information is publicly
available) are in the
bill status report.
There are a
several bills that are on notice for
hearings the week of March 3, 2025.
Two of these address an issue that is likely unconstitutional (making
it a crime to remove a serial number from a firearm) and the issue of
whether the existing federal obliteration prohibition is presently
pending in the US Supreme Court. TFA has encouraged the bill sponsors
-Sen. Paul Bailey and Rep. Ed Butler – to not move forward on this bill
until there is a ruling from the Supreme Court in the Price v. US
It is important for each member and supporter of Tennessee Firearms
Association to contact their legislators to let their voices be heard.
To aid in that process, Tennessee Firearms Association is providing a
letter writing advocacy tool for your use. Please take the time to
contact your legislators and, when indicated, committee members on
legislation in which you are interested.