Subject: TFA: Joint TFA and GOA TN Legislative Lobby Day - March 26, 2025

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March 21, 2025

Joint TFA and GOA Lobby Day at the Tennessee Legislature - March 26, 2025
The Tennessee Firearms Association and Gun Owners of America joint  "Gun Owners Lobby Day" is this Wednesday, the 26th Day of March, at the Cordell Hull Legislative building, Nashville TN.

It is a happy circumstance that the Civil Justice Sub-committee has scheduled hearings for every firearms related piece of legislation on that same day.

Normally the "Moms Demand Action" crowd has the room full of their paid supporters and there is only one or very few on the side of Liberty present for these meetings.

Chance plays a roll in life, and we have an opportunity to show unity and support for our issue this time.

If you can, please plan to attend. It is an imposition and a sacrifice to make the effort, but the opposing team will be there and if  we do not show the legislators that we even exist, how will they know that we are a force to be reconned with?

Please sign up on the TFA's website -

Let them hear your voice!

It is important for each member and supporter of Tennessee Firearms Association to contact their legislators to let their voices be heard. To aid in that process, Tennessee Firearms Association is providing a letter writing advocacy tool for your use. Please take the time to contact your legislators and, when indicated, committee members on legislation in which you are interested.
If you are aware of other proposed bills related to the Second Amendment for which you would like to help write a campaign, please reach out to TFA.

If you find the information in these free email updates useful, please share with others and tell them to sign up for these emails too.

John Harris
Executive Director
Tennessee Firearms Association

Joining and supporting TFA is an investment in the fight to restore our constitutional rights and to fight against politicians who are willing to sell their votes and your rights to whichever business interest gives them the most money!

TFA Website:
Tennessee Firearms Foundation (a 501c3 charity)
Facebook TFA Page:
Tennessee Firearms Association/TFALAC, 3310 West End Avenue, Suite 460, nashville, TN 37203, United States
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