Subject: Please confirm your eligibility and coursework selections to further your studies at this time

Hello Friend,

We would like to make you aware that you may qualify for programs to continue/begin your coursework for the area of study you would like to pursue.

We have been made aware of recent openings at these Institutions, and this may make it simpler to attain your desired outcome and realize what it is your looking to do in the future.

Should the pursuit of this interest you, please check eligibility and availability prior to slots filling up below.

Simply Continue to this page and Confirm. Once you have confirmed, you will be directed to the desired information where you can view and check on availability and eligibility at this time. Please be sure to input the requested details to view.

Fortunately, technology has simplified the process in how coursework is delivered. Sharpening your skill-sets has never been as easy as it is today and may help you in realizing your future plans.

Thank you for looking into this, if you already have pursued a higher level of education and coursework we apologize for taking up your time but wanted to make sure you where aware of the options that may be available.

All the best,

PowerInEmail Group

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