Subject: Please confirm the issuance of the included Educational resource packet for Friend

Hello Friend,

We are contacting as a courtesy, to inform you that the below is pending your attention and few minutes of your input is needed to proceed.

At the present time, please make the necessary inputs for the application and be sure that all is set to submit in order to process based on the open availability for the Coursework area you selected to pursue along with possible Assistance programs that may be available.

Simply continue to this page located here

Just continue here to confirm and then complete the final steps prior to spots filing via a quick 2 -minute form.

It is prudent to lock in your preferences along with resources necessary. The final steps are located after and we will be able to finalize the packet. Then you will be issued directly the plan that is laid out. When you access you will be required to confirm and then continue to view

Thank you so Very much for your interest and response. Your diligence in being proactive in this will pay off very shortly.

The quicker you move on this, the faster we can be on our side to present the final out come along with your options for Financial Resources as well.

Thanks for your attention,


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