Subject: September 19, 2015 Saturday Report

September 19, 2015 Saturday Report

September 19th, 2015 at 1:00 pm EDT

September 19, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a wild week in the market, and the ending prices disguised a lot of extreme mid-week volatility. Our portfolios had mixed results. Enjoy the attached report. Terry Copyrigh ...

Half-Price Offer Expires at Midnight Tonight

September 18th, 2015 at 10:50 am EDT

Half-Price Offer Expires at Midnight Tonight ...

Update On VXX Crash Warning and Reminder That Half-Price Sale Ends On Friday

September 16th, 2015 at 10:49 am EDT

Update on VXX Crash Warning and Reminder That Half-Price Sale Ends on Friday ...

The Worst “Stock” You Could Have Owned for the Last 6 Years

September 14th, 2015 at 8:28 am EDT

Dear Friend,Today I would like to tell you all about the worst “stock” you could have owned for the past 6 years. It has fallen from $6400 to $26 today. I will also tell you how you can take advantage of an unusual current market condition and ma ...

September 12, 2015 Saturday Report

September 12th, 2015 at 12:25 pm EDT

September 12, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a good week for the market and a great week for all our portfolios except two which recorded tiny losses. We announce big changes to be made soon in some of the portfolios. Enjoy the full ...

A Low-Risk Trade to Make 62% in 4 Months

September 8th, 2015 at 4:36 pm EDT

Dear Friend,Market volatility continues to be high, and the one thing we know from history is that while volatility spikes are quite common, markets eventually settle down. After enduring a certain amount of psychic pain, investors remember that that ...

September 5, 2015 Saturday Report

September 5th, 2015 at 2:26 pm EDT

September 5, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a bad week for the market and especially SVXY, but our portfolios based on individual stocks had exceptional results in spite of lower underlying prices. Enjoy the full report, including m ...

Update on Last Week’s SVXY Volatility Trade

September 4th, 2015 at 12:37 pm EDT

Dear Friend,Last week I suggested buying two calendar spreads on the inverse volatility ETP called SVXY. At the time, it was trading at $58 and history showed it was highly likely to move higher in the short run. It didn’t. Instead, it has fallen t ...

August 29, 2015 Saturday Report

August 29th, 2015 at 1:34 pm EDT

August 29, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a wild week for the market ending with a small gain, but uncertainty (VIX) remained high and crushed our portfolios based on SVXY. Portfolios based on individual companies (other than BABA) ...

Now Might Be the Perfect Time to Make This Volatility Trade

August 25th, 2015 at 3:15 pm EDT

Dear Friend,Today I would like to pass along a trade I just made. It has a chance of making 50% if the stock stays flat or moves moderately higher over the next ten days. I want to share it with you just in case you might like to try it yourself (wit ...

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