Subject: Long-Term Options Strategies For Companies You Like

Long-Term Options Strategies For Companies You Like

July 29th, 2015 at 9:28 pm EST

Dear Friend,Today I would like to share an article I sent to paying subscribers two months ago. It describes an 8-month options play on Facebook (FB), a company that seems to be doing quite well these days. T ...

July 25, 2015 Saturday Report

July 25th, 2015 at 11:56 am EST

July 25, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a bad week for the market (down 2.1%) but our portfolios based on individual domestic stocks fared much better, gaining an average of 10%. Portfolios based on volatil ...

July 18, 2015 Saturday Report

July 18th, 2015 at 1:56 pm EST

July 18, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a wonderful week, with 11 out of 11 portfolios gaining in value, one almost 40%. Our shifting focus to longer-term plays seems to be paying off. The recent high volat ...

July 11, 2015 Saturday Report

July 11th, 2015 at 1:26 pm EST

July 11, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a crazy week for the market, with big swings both ways in response to bad and then good news from Greece and China. In the end, most stocks were flat, although our Ri ...

July 4, 2015 Saturday Report

July 4th, 2015 at 12:51 pm EST

July 4, 2015 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a bad week for the market and our portfolios as well, especially those based on XIV or SVXY where those ETPs fell 16.5% as market fears erupted over the crisis in Gree ...

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