Subject: August 30, 2014 Saturday Report

August 30, 2014 Saturday Report

August 30th, 2014 at 1:15 pm EDT

August 30, 2014 Saturday Report Dear Friend, The pre-holiday week had low volume but a nice move up for SPY. SVXY and most of our individual underling stocks fared poorly, however, and most portfolios suffered quite minor losses. Boomers Reve ...

Ongoing Spread SVXY Strategy – Week 3

August 29th, 2014 at 10:22 am EDT

Dear Friend,Two weeks ago we started a $1500 demonstration portfolio using SVXY, an ETP that is destined to move higher over the long run because of the way it is constructed (selling VIX higher-priced futures each day and buying at the spot price of ...

August 23, 2014 Saturday Report

August 23rd, 2014 at 12:01 pm EDT

August 23, 2014 Saturday Report Dear Friend, I am sending along our latest Saturday Report so you can see what we are doing these days, and to give you one last chance to follow us for the next two months for only $1.00. Go to https://www.ter ...

August 23, 2014 Saturday Report

August 23rd, 2014 at 11:47 am EDT

August 23, 2014 Saturday Report Dear Friend, It was a perfect 10-for-10 week for our portfolios, with the average gain about 9%. A good week all around thanks to a higher market and a good gain in SVXY. Enjoy the full report. Terry ...

Ongoing Spread SVXY Strategy – Week 2

August 22nd, 2014 at 12:43 pm EDT

Dear Friend,Last week we started a $1500 demonstration portfolio using SVXY, and ETP that is destined to move higher over the long run because of the way it is constructed (selling VIX higher-priced futures each day and buying at the spot price of VI ...

Ongoing Spread SVXY Strategy For You to Follow if You Wish

August 18th, 2014 at 12:22 pm EDT

Dear Friend,A couple of weeks ago, I put $1500 into a separate brokerage account to trade put options on an Exchange Traded Product (ETP) called SVXY. I placed positions that were betting that SVXY would not fall by more than $6 in a week (it had not ...

August 16, 2014 Saturday Report

August 16th, 2014 at 11:46 am EDT

August 16, 2014 Saturday Report Dear Friend, SVXY shot up 14% (as we predicted it would eventually) and the 10K Classic portfolio gained a whopping 68% for the week. Most portfolios gained, and the average gains were far greater than the loss ...

How to Pick the Best Mutual Fund for Your IRA or 401(K)

August 11th, 2014 at 4:52 pm EDT

How to Pick the Best Mutual Fund for Your IRA or 401(K) If you are a participant in a typical 401(k) plan, you face a list of 18 mutual funds to choose from. If you set up your own IRA plan, the list grows to over 4000 funds in the universe. Mos ...

August 9, 2014 Saturday Report

August 9th, 2014 at 11:03 am EDT

August 9, 2014 Saturday Report Dear Friend, A good week for everything except if it included the symbol SVXY. Better days are surely coming for SVXY. Enjoy the full report. Terry Copyright 2001-2014 Terry's Tips Inc. dba Terry' ...

Adjusting When the Unexpected Happens

August 8th, 2014 at 4:00 pm EDT

Dear Friend,Last week I told you about a simple strategy I expected could generate 3% a week of gains between now and January 17, 2015. It involved buying a Jan-15 75 put and selling an Aug-14 81 put against it at a time when SVXY was trading abut $8 ...

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