Subject: Year End Special 2019

 End 2019 With a Bang – Our Lowest Price Ever

Stock Options Success

Our Lowest Price Ever, and It Will Not be Repeated, Ever

2019 is almost history.  The results are in.  Our 10K Strategy portfolios, 4 of them, trading options on COST, MSFT, and SPY, made an average gain of 103% this year.  


These are not hypothetic results which don’t include commissions like most newsletters.  We put our own money into these real portfolios.  Each one is set up in a separate account at TD Ameritrade and include all the commissions at their regular rates.  Many of our subscribers follow our trades in their own accounts or participate in the free Auto-Trade service offered by thinkorswim.  As another successful years ends, our subscribers once again  are happy campers.


Of course, 2019 has been an unusually good year for the market, so we can’t promise these same results will come our way going forward.  But two years ago, 2017 wasn’t such a good year and these same portfolios gained 112% for the year.  Once again, real portfolios, our own money at stake. Every trade revealed to subscribers (and every portfolio open for all to see).


Terry’s Tips has been trading and perfecting this strategy for 18 years. We call it the 10K Strategy. It involves selling short-term options on individual stocks and using longer-term (or LEAPS) as collateral. It is sort of like writing calls, except that you don’t have to put up all that cash to buy 100 or 1000 shares of the stock. The 10K Strategy is sort of like writing calls on steroids. It is an amazingly simple strategy that really works with the one proviso that you select a stock that stays flat or moves higher over time.


This strategy actually does best when the underlying stock holds steady.  It doesn’t have to go up to make money.  It can also go down and the portfolio can still make money, just as long as it doesn’t go down too much. Once you understand the details on how to carry it out, you should easily be able to use it on your own favorite company. It doesn’t just work on our favorites.

Watching how these portfolios unfold over time in the Saturday Report is a wonderful (and easy) way to learn the intricacies of option trading. You can get started today by coming on board at our lowest prices ever with the Year-End Special which expires at midnight Monday January 6th, 2020.


We have not raised our prices once in 18 years, and we have always been less expensive than just about every newsletter out there.  We plan to raise prices in early 2020, and this will be your last chance to get in at the same prices we charged in 2001 when we first got going.


What subscribers are saying:  I have been trading the equity markets with many different strategies for over 40 years. Terry Allen's strategies have been the most consistent money makers for me. I used them during the 2008 melt-down, to earn over 50% annualized return, while all my neighbors were crying about their losses. ~ John C.

Our Lowest Subscription Price Ever: As an End of 2019 Special, we are offering the lowest subscription prices that we have ever offered. For this lowest-price-ever $38.98 offer, click here, enter Special Code YES19 (or YES19P for Premium Service - $78.98).

If you are ready to commit for a longer time period, you can save even more with our half-price offer on our Premium service for an entire year. This special offer includes everything in our basic service, and in addition, real-time trade alerts and full access to all of our portfolios so that you can Auto-Trade or follow any or all of them. We have several levels of our Premium service, but this is the maximum level since it includes full access to all 7 portfolios which are available for Auto-Trade. A year’s subscription to this maximum level would cost over $1080. With this half-price offer, the cost for a full year would be only $540. Use the Special Code MAX19P.

This is a time-limited offer. You must order by midnight, Monday January 6, 2020. That’s when the half-price offer expires, and you will have to go back to the same old investment strategy that you have had limited success with for so long (if you are like most investors). 

This is the perfect time to give yourself the gift of the options knowledge that is designed to deliver higher financial returns for the rest of your investing life.

I look forward to helping you by sharing this valuable investment information with you at our lowest prices ever. It may take a little homework, but I am sure you will end up thinking it was well worth the investment. Don't miss this opportunity to change your investing style for the rest of your life - come on board today and get yourself set up to beat the "market" in 2020 and beyond!!

Happy trading.


P.S. Make this investment in yourself at the lowest prices ever offered in our 18 years of publication – only $38.98 for our entire package. 

Get it 
here using Special Code YES19 (or YES19P for Premium Service - $78.98). Do it today, before you forget and lose out. This offer expires on Monday January 6, 2020.


P.P.S. Use special code MAX19P to get the ultimate Premium Special for $540 (normally $1080)


After 18 Years in Business our subscribers see Great Value:


"I've always had the greatest respect for Terry's experience and teachings. There are numerous individuals now trying to sell option schemes. This new guy sending out emails, (name deleted), charging $5000 knows just enough to be dangerous--his free videos are bogus! In my humble opinion, Terry's one of the few that's got it right."  ~ Robert Y