Subject: Two Free Stock Option Reports

Two Free Stock Option Reports
Learn the Exact Details of the Options Strategies That Have Resulted in Average Gains of 1112% in 2017…

Completely Free

Dear Friend ,

I am writing to you in hopes that you might be willing to check out an options strategy for a small part of your investment portfolio. In 2017, I carried out nine option portfolios for my newsletter subscribers. Most started the year with $5000. The composite average gain for all nine was 112% after paying all commissions. I understand that this seems a little preposterous. But it is true, and one of those portfolios gained another 100% in the first two months of 2018.

I earned my MBA at the Harvard Business School and a DBA at the University of Virginia. Early on, I was a market maker on the CBOE, and have traded options nearly every day for 35 years. Over the years, I have created and tweaked two options strategies that I would like to share with you, if you would be willing to take a little time to check them out.

The first strategy is based on a single stock. If the stock you pick goes up over the course of the year, the portfolio should earn a multiple of that return. We were lucky enough to pick Facebook (FB) at the beginning of 2017. The stock had a great run, picking up 54%. Our portfolio gained 710%. A $3000 investment ended up at over $24,000. In the first two months of 2018, we used this strategy on Mastercard (MA) and it gained over 100% while the stock moved up 15%.

The second strategy can’t promise these kinds of numbers, but the underlying does not have to go up at all to generate a generous return by conventional measures. We picked five Blue-Chip companies that paid good dividends and created option spreads which would make their maximum gain if the stock stayed flat, went up, or fell by less than 5% over the course of the year. This portfolio made 44% after commissions in 2017.

Another portfolio used this second strategy on the entire market (S&P 500), and was guaranteed to gain 40% for the year as long as the market did not fall by more than 5%. 2017 was a great year, gaining about 20%, but it could have actually gone down by 5% and we would have gained the same 40% that we did in this portfolio.

I have written a report which fully explains both of these strategies. I would like to send it to you in hopes you would commit a little time to reading it. No cost, obligation, or request for a credit card number. Go to and get a copy. Of course, I hope that you might eventually subscribe to my newsletter (it’s less expensive than just about any other out there). But right now, I just want to tell you exactly how these strategies work.

I hope you will take me up on my offer.


Terry F. Allen

P.S. Go to and get my free report on two options strategies that are designed to gain over 40% every year that the market doesn’t crash. They might take a little time for you to fully understand, but could well be worth your time to check out.
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