Subject: TEST: New IPO targeted by the billionaire behind Google and Amazon

Hey there,

I'd like to ask your permission to share a story with you today.

It's really fascinating.

It involves a secret billionaire virtually unknown among regular Americans.

Quietly, he was the first backer of Amazon, putting in $8 million at just $0.20 a share in 1996.

Then, in 1999, he also became the lead investor in Google, putting in $12.5 million.

Each move has led to billions in profits.

And now he's putting hundreds of millions into a new IPO that deserves your attention.

He calls it "the largest economic opportunity of the 21st century."

And when you watch this video that shows the technology, you'll see why.

The IPO stock is commercializing a NASA technology originally developed for Mars exploration.

It's now made deals with 25 of the Fortune 100 companies. Its partners include Walmart, Google, eBay, Facebook, Apple, Staples, FedEx, Safeway, Home Depot, AT&T, Honda, Yahoo and Verizon.

In short, this technology is about to sweep the nation.

Which is why I wanted to share it with you today.

As I said, the company recently IPO'd. It trades for less than $10. And I believe it will become the most successful stock of the next decade.

I've made my video on the situation available to you today. Give it a watch when you can. I think you'll love the story just as much as I do.

Good investing,

David Fessler
Energy and Infrastructure Strategist, The Oxford Club

P.S. This billionaire isn't the only big-time investor getting in. Paul Wick, Bloomberg's "stock picker of the year" in 2019, has bought up 6.5 million shares.

Think these guys might know something?

Go here to see the whole story.

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