Subject: TEST: Free Report Shows How You Can Double (and more) Your Money in 2021

Dear Friend,

How did you do in 2020?

Our subscribers made 140% with Target, 212% with Costco and 309% with Microsoft. And that includes trading costs.

Incredibly, the portfolios that follow my revolutionary 10K Strategy have averaged over 100% in three of the past four years!

How did we do it? And how can we do it again in 2021?

That’s what the attached free report tells you. It’s the final 2020 Saturday Report I send my subscribers every week. It recaps a great 2020 and tells them what to expect in 2021.

You can join in the profits for 2021 … but there’s a catch (isn’t there always a catch?). After months of pleading, my staff finally convinced me to raise our subscription price. But I’m stubborn. I only agreed if we gave all our free newsletter subscribers a chance to join Terry’s Tips at the old rate.

But I can’t hold out forever!

So, for a limited time, you can access all our portfolios for 50% off the regular monthly or annual rate. That gives you access to five distinct trading portfolios … plus the weekly Saturday Report… all for about what you’d pay for one portfolio or service anywhere else.

Simply click [here] and enter the code D21Y for the special annual price or D21M for the special monthly price.

Don’t let this offer pass you by. Last year, subscribers made more than 50 times their subscription fee. And the low price won’t last for long.

Make 2021 your best trading year yet. Click [here] to get started today.

Happy Trading,

Terry Allen