Subject: Stock Option Trading Idea of the Week from Terry's Tips - The Safest, Easiest Way to Make 30% a Year That You Will Probably Ever See


Terrys Tips newsletter


Dear Friend,

To celebrate the coming of the New Year I am making the best offer to come on board that I have ever offered.  It is time limited.  Don’t miss out.

Even better, I have just discovered what I believe is the safest, easiest way to make 30% (no more, no less) in the next year that I have ever seen.  This is so new that I have not even told my paying subscribers about it.  I will do that next week.


Option Tip of the Week

The Safest, Easiest Way to Make 30% a Year That You Will Probably Ever See:
This trade involves buying an equity that I never heard about until this week.  It has only existed for a little over two years.  If you do some good sleuth work you may be able to figure this out yourself, but it would probably be far easier to take up my half-price offer which expires at midnight Friday and become a paying subscriber.  If you accept my offer, you will also learn how you can increase your risk a bit and make over 50% on these positions (if the equity involved moves any higher during the next year as it has done ever since it was invented).  You can’t do the 50% alternative in an IRA, however.

This equity is not really a stock.  It is an ETN (Exchange Traded Note) which trades very much like a stock.  It is options-related, and that is how I discovered it.  I can’t believe that it has been around for two years and I just found it this week.

This ETN is highly correlated to another options-related ETN which has been the most profitable investment in my personal portfolio for the past two years.  In each of these years, it has nearly doubled in value.  I like it so much that I buy it on margin, so my gain each year has been well over 100%.  I am not asking you to use margin with the trades I am making to get me 30% even if the ETN just stays flat.

Very few people seem to know about this ETN.  And that is understandable.  It is a derivative of a derivative of a derivative – the absolute scariest thing that you could imagine.  Even the Nobel Prize winners who ran Long Term Capital did not fully understand the leverage of derivatives, so why wouldn’t you be wary of them yourself?

I think I can explain how this one works, and it is really quite simple once you know the ingredients.  It surely can fall in price, and in 5 of the last 27 months it has fallen, but each time, 3 months later it was higher than it was before it dropped.

The trades that I am talking about involve an option that has a full year of remaining life so no matter what the ETN does during the year is of no concern, just as long as at the end of the year it is higher than when it started.

Actually, it doesn’t even have to go up for you to make 30% with this trade.  Here is what happens in one year (we’ll call it a stock although technically, it only acts like a stock):

• If the stock goes up, you make 30% in one year (okay, after commissions, the number may only be 29%, but we will round it off to 30%).

• If the stock is absolutely the same at the end of the year as it is now, you still make 30%.

• If the stock falls by 10% over the course of the year, you would make almost 20% on this investment.

• If the stock falls by 24% over the course of the year, you would break even.

• If the stock falls by more than 24%, you start losing money (but remember, over the past two years, this stock has nearly doubled both years, and the way it is constructed makes it highly unlikely for it to fall unless there is a major market meltdown in 2014).

How many investments can you make where the stock can fall by 10% and you still make a gain of 20% for the year?  If you know of one, please let me know.  I will probably pay you a nice fee to learn about it.

I call this trade a safe one because the stock can fall 24% before you lose money.  I call it easy because you make two simple trades next week and you don’t do anything else for a whole year.

The presents are unwrapped.  The New Year is upon us.  Start it out right by doing something really good for yourself, and your loved ones. 

The beginning of the year is a traditional time for resolutions and goal-setting.  It is a perfect time to do some serious thinking about your financial future.

I believe that the best investment you can ever make is to invest in yourself, no matter what your financial situation might be.  Learning a stock option investment strategy is a low-cost way to do just that.

As our New Year’s gift to you, we are offering our service at the lowest price in the history of our company.   If you ever considered becoming a Terry’s Tips Insider, this would be the absolutely best time to do it.  Read on…

Don’t you owe it to yourself to learn a system that carries a very low risk and could gain 70% in the last six months as our calendar spreads on Nike have done?

So what’s the investment?  I’m suggesting that you spend a small amount to get a copy of my 70-page (electronic) White Paper, and devote some serious early-2014 hours studying the material. 

And now for the Special Offer – If you make this investment in yourself by midnight, January 11, 2014, this is what happens:

For a one-time fee of only $39.95, you receive the White Paper (which normally costs $79.95 by itself), which explains my favorite option strategies in detail, and shows you exactly how to carry them out on your own.

1) Two free months of the Terry’s Tips Stock Options Tutorial Program, (a $49.90 value).  This consists of 14 individual electronic tutorials delivered one each day for two weeks, and weekly Saturday Reports which provide timely Market Reports, discussion of option strategies, updates and commentaries on 8 different actual option portfolios, and much more. 

2) Emailed Trade Alerts.  I will email you with any trades I make at the end of each trading day, so you can mirror them if you wish (or with our Premium Service, you will receive real-time Trade Alerts as they are made for even faster order placement or Auto-Trading with a broker).  These Trade Alerts cover all 8 portfolios we conduct.

3) If you choose to continue after two free months of the Options Tutorial Program, do nothing, and you’ll be billed at our discounted rate of $19.95 per month (rather than the regular $24.95 rate).

4) Access to the Insider’s Section of Terry’s Tips, where you will find many valuable articles about option trading, and several months of recent Saturday Reports and Trade Alerts.

5) A FREE special report “How We Made 70% on Nike in the last six months of 2013 while the stock rose only 24%”. This report is a good example of how our 10K Strategy  works for individual companies that you believe are headed higher.

With this one-time offer, you will receive all of these benefits for only $39.95, less than the price of the White Paper alone. I have never made an offer better than this in the twelve years I have published Terry’s Tips.  But you must order by midnight on January 11, 2014. Click here, choose “White Paper with Insider Membership”, and enter Special Code 2014 (or 2014P for Premium Service - $79.95).

Investing in yourself is the most responsible New Year’s Resolution you could make for 2014.  I feel confident that this offer could be the best investment you ever make in yourself.

Happy New Year!  I hope 2014 is your most prosperous ever.  I look forward to helping you get 2014 started right by sharing this valuable investment information with you. 


P.S.  If you would have any questions about this offer or Terry’s Tips, please call Seth Allen, our Senior Vice President at 800-803-4595.  Or make this investment in yourself at the lowest price ever offered in our 12 years of publication – only $39.95 for our entire package - click here - using Special Code 2014 (or 2014P for Premium Service - $79.95).


Any questions?   I would love to hear from you by email (, or if you would like to talk to our guy Seth, give him a jingle at 800-803-4595 and either ask him your question(s) or give him your thoughts.

You can see every trade made in 8 actual option portfolios conducted at Terry’s Tips and learn all about the wonderful world of options by subscribing here.  Why wait any longer to make this important investment in yourself?

Even better, you can become a Terry’s Tips Insider, and receive all our educational reports and materials absolutely free by opening a new account at the best options broker around - thinkorswimIf you open an account with our link, they will give you 60 days of free trading or up to $600, the same deals they give to everyone who opens an account with them. You must use this link to sign up - open thinkorswim account – and once you have funded your account with at least $3500, email and let him know that you have done it, and this is what he will do – sign you for our Premium Service package ($119.95 value plus an extra 4 months of our Premium Service, valued at another $190.80).  You get $300.65 worth of services without paying us one penny.

I look forward to having you on board, and to prospering with you.



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Overbought/Oversold report
    Overbought/Oversold as of January 6, 2013

• S&P 500 (SPY) – 41.9 (Neutral)
• Dow Jones (DIA) – 60.9 (Neutral)
• Russell (IWM) – 49.3 (Neutral)
• NASDAQ 100 (QQQ) – 19.1 (Very Oversold)
Testimonial of the Week

Though I've only been on board since October, I couldn't be happier with the returns on Vista Valley.  Looking forward to a successful 2014. Cheers! -- Michael G


Thank you again for being a part of the Terry's Tips newsletter. If you are interested in signing up as an Insider, visit Terry's Tips today for details.

Dr. Terry Allen
Terry's Tips

Week 300

 January 6, 2013
In This Issue
Option Trading Idea of the Week
Overbought/Sold Condition Report
Testimonial of the Week
Terry's Book

Hot off the press! Could be the best book on options you will ever read.

Order Dr. Allen's book "Making 36% - A Duffer's Guide to Breaking Par in the Market Every Year in Good Years and Bad" at the discounted price of $12.94 using the discount code TEE when ordering!

Think or Swim

A Chicago brokerage firm with the unlikely name thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade is our clear choice as the best of all option-friendly brokers. For openers, they have absolutely the best options software available anywhere, and it’s free!  They offer real-time option prices (bid-asked prices, sizes, volume, Greeks, etc.), and their trading platform is remarkably easy to use, even for complex spreads, and they offer a free Auto-Trade service so that you can have Terry’s Tips (or other newsletter) Trade Alerts automatically placed in your account without your having to place the trades on your own.  Thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade is the absolute best choice for the serious option trader.

Visit thinkorswim

thinkorswim, Division of TD AMERITRADE, Inc. and Terry's Tips are separate, unaffiliated companies and are not responsible for each other's services and products.

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