Subject: Stock Option Trading Idea of the Week from Terry's Tips - Participate in Auto-Trade at the Lowest Premium Price Ever

Terrys Tips newsletter
Dear {FIRSTNAME Free Newsletter Subscriber} –

When thinkorswim was acquired by TD Ameritrade about a year ago, a popular service offered by thinkorswim (Auto-Trade) was not available to TD Ameritrade customers (new software needed to be written to incorporate Auto-Trade into TD’s platform).

Terry’s Tips subscribers loved Auto-Trade because it allowed them to mirror one or more of our 8 portfolios without having to place each trade on their own.  When the merger took place, new subscribers could not participate in this valuable service.  Last week, for the first time since TD Ameritrade took over, all Terry’s Tips subscribers who have an account at TD can sign up for Auto-Trade.

This is very good news for all of us, and to celebrate, we are offering our Premium Service (which includes the ability to sign up for Auto-Trade at TD Ameritrade/thinkorswim) at a lower price than we have ever offered in our 11-year history.

Participate in Auto-Trade at the Lowest Premium Price Ever

Late last October, I recommended an options-related stock to buy.  It was the only time in 11 years of running Terry’s Tips that I suggested buying a stock rather than options (options were not traded on this stock).  I said that I believed this stock (then trading between $6.50 and $7.00) would double in value in less than a year.

Last week, the stock was trading over $14, fulfilling my prophecy, and I suggested selling it (as I did in my personal accounts).  I had bought this stock in my charitable trust account as well, and earned several hundred thousands of dollars which is now in cash and available to give to worthy charities in my home state of Vermont.

This stock was not included in any of our 8 portfolios because it involved stock rather than options, but it was a side tip that many subscribers followed on their own.  Of course, they are now delighted that they followed my advice.

I have recently made two other suggestions that I believe will double in value.   One should take six months and the other, up to a year.  Fortunately, both suggestions can be carried out with options, and both are included in one of our portfolios.  The first involves AAPL, and will double the original investment made about a month ago if AAPL is any higher than $600 on January 19, 2013.  The stock can fall more than $30 between now and then and this trade will still earn over 100% after commissions.  

The second recommendation is a volatility-related stock where we are trading call options on a stock which I believe will double in value at some point in the next year.  This stock is the inverse of the stock I earlier recommended that doubled in value in the last ten months.

There is a whole lot more that you get with a Premium Subscription to Terry’s Tips.  I believe that the best investment you can ever make is to invest in yourself, no matter what your financial situation might be.  Learning a stock option investment strategy is a low-cost way to do just that.

To celebrate the reincarnation of Auto-Trade at TD Ameritrade/thinkorswim, we are offering our Premium service at the lowest price in the history of our company.  We have never before offered such a large discount.  If you ever considered becoming a Terry’s Tips Insider, this would be the absolute best time to do it.

And now for the Special Offer – If you make this investment in yourself by midnight, September 4, 2012, this is what happens:

1)    For a one-time fee of only $75.95, you receive the Premium service including the White Paper (which normally costs $119.95), which explains my favorite option strategies in detail, 20 “Lazy Way” companies with a minimum 100% gain in 2 years, mathematically guaranteed, if the stock stays flat or goes up, plus the following services:
2)    Two free months of the Terry’s Tips Stock Options Tutorial Program, (a $49.90 value).  This consists of 14 individual electronic tutorials delivered one each day for two weeks, and weekly Saturday Reports which provide timely Market Reports, discussion of option strategies, updates and commentaries on 8 different actual option portfolios, and much more.  

3)    Emailed Trade Alerts.  I will email you with any trades I make before I make them so you can mirror them yourself or have them executed for you by TD Ameritrade/thinkorswim through their Auto-Trade program. These Trade Alerts cover all 8 portfolios we conduct.

4)    Access to the Insider’s Section of Terry’s Tips, where you will find many valuable articles about option trading, and several months of recent Saturday Reports and Trade Alerts.

5)    A FREE special report  “How We Made 100% on Apple in 2010-11 While AAPL Rose Only 25%”.

6)    A free copy of my e-book, Making 36%: Duffer’s Guide to Breaking Par in the Market Every Year, In Good Years and Bad (2012 Updated Version).

With this one-time offer, you will receive all of these Premium Service benefits for only $75.95, less than the price of the White Paper alone. I have never made an offer anything like this in the eleven years I have published Terry’s Tips.  But you must order by midnight on September 4, 2012. Click here and enter Special Code Auto12 in the box on the right side of the screen.

I feel confident that this offer could be the best investment you ever make in yourself.  Celebrate the resumption of Auto-Trade at TD Ameritrade/thinkorswim with us.  But do it before the day after Labor Day, as this offer will not be available after that day.

I look forward to prospering with you.  


P.S.  If you would have any questions about this offer or Terry’s Tips, please call Seth Allen, our Senior Vice President at 800-803-4595.  Or make this investment in yourself at the lowest price ever offered in our 11 years of publication – only $75.95 for our entire package. Click here and use Special Code Auto12.

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