Subject: Stock Option Trading Idea of the Week from Terry's Tips - Eight Consecutive Successful Earnings Plays That Gained an Average of Over 22%


Terrys Tips newsletter


Dear Friend,

Last week I told you about possible earnings plays on Deere & Company (DE) and Sina Corporation (SINA).  In an actual account at Terry’s Tips, I earned 15% and 19% after commissions on those option plays.  I hope you did, too.

Those trades extended my winning streak to eight consecutive plays without a single loss.  Today I would like to explain how we did it, what we learned, and how you can do it yourself going forward.

If you read down further, there is information on how you can become a Terry’s Tips Insider absolutely free!


Option Tip of the Week

Eight Consecutive Successful Earnings Plays That Gained an Average of Over 22%

Here is the link to the report – Eight Straight Winners. 

Here is a list of the companies that we traded options in just prior to their latest earnings announcement:

   Company          Gain

1. JPM                  38%
2. GOOG               39%
3. EBAY                  7%
4. AAPL                 39%
5. STX                    6%
6. GMCR                18%
7. DE                    15%
8. SINA                 19%

Many of these companies may seem familiar to you because I told you about the trades before I made them.  Others, like the Google and Apple trades, I restricted to Terry’s Tips Insiders. 

We created a model for predicting what the stock would do after announcing earnings, and the report includes all the details of that model so you can carry it out yourself if you wish.

Actually, you may conclude that it just requires too much work and you might be better off letting us do it each week as new companies are about to announce their quarterly results.  As a Terry’s Tips Insider, you could either follow the trades yourself (we email you exactly what we are doing with the same email that gets sent to thinkorswim, our broker, who executes the trades in one of our eight accounts, and also in your account if you sign up for their Auto-Trade program).  By the way, there is no charge for Auto-Trade, and Terry’s Tips customers receive a special commission rate which is lower than their regular rates (and this rate applies to all your trades regardless of whether they are affiliated with our trades or not).


Any questions?   I would love to hear from you by email (, or if you would like to talk to our guy Seth, give him a jingle at 800-803-4595 and either ask him your question(s) or give him your thoughts.

You can see every trade made in 8 actual option portfolios conducted at Terry’s Tips and learn all about the wonderful world of options by subscribing here.  Why wait any longer to make this important investment in yourself?

Even better, you can become a Terry’s Tips Insider, and receive all our educational reports and materials absolutely free by opening a new account at the best options broker around - thinkorswim. Use this link to sign up - open thinkorswim account – and once you have funded your account with at least $3500, email and let him know that you have done it, and this is what he will do – sign you for our Premium Service package ($119.95 value plus an extra 4 months of our Premium Service, valued at another $190.80).  You get $300.65 worth of services without paying us one penny.

I look forward to having you on board, and to prospering with you.



Eight Consecutive Successful Earnings Plays That Gained an Average of Over 22%

Overbought/Oversold report
    Overbought/Oversold as of May 20, 2013

    • S&P 500 (SPY) – 76.4 (Overbought)
• Dow Jones (DIA) – 67.4 (Neutral)
• Russell 2000 (IWM) – 80.6 (Overbought)
• NASDAQ 100 (QQQ) – 83.5 (Overbought)
Testimonial of the Week

“Likewise, my portfolio went up a lot this week.  Gold, FCX, MOS, POT, GOOG, AAPL treated me nice. DIA and SPY are doing well, too. I should take some profit and run. I want to donate some to Red Cross to help Chile.

Gold and copper went up due to the earthquake. I am now looking for a new Lexus RX 400h, no kidding.” ~ Jerry


Thank you again for being a part of the Terry's Tips newsletter. If you are interested in signing up as an Insider, visit Terry's Tips today for details.

Dr. Terry Allen
Terry's Tips

Week 274
May 20, 2013
In This Issue
Option Trading Idea of the Week
Overbought/Sold Condition Report
Testimonial of the Week
Terry's Book

Hot off the press! Could be the best book on options you will ever read.

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thinkorswim, Division of TD AMERITRADE, Inc. and Terry's Tips are separate, unaffiliated companies and are not responsible for each other's services and products.

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