Subject: See Terry's thoughts on the current market and how to prepare and prosper in 2019

Terry's thoughts on the Current Market Conditions and how to prepare for 2019
Excerpt from our Weekly Saturday Report that goes to Terry's Tips Insiders:

Some Thoughts About the Market: It has always been difficult (or impossible) to consistently predict the short-term movement of the market. That seems to be more than true right now. The only thing that seems to be predictable is that it will be volatile. There are so many things happening right now, or are soon to happen, that will spook or encourage the market in one direction or the other. For example, this week, a Fed official mentioned the words “just below” in a speech, and sent the market soaring up 500 points on Wednesday afternoon.

Big things on the table right now, all fraught with uncertainly:

1. The trade war. Will it escalate and eventually contribute to a recession or will it suddenly be resolved, possibly this weekend? The president is using it as a threat to negotiate a fairer deal with China. If he succeeds, the market might soar. If it drags on, the outlook is not so good. Everything we buy from China will start costing more. Already, farmers have run out of storage to handle the wheat and soybeans that China isn’t buying, and they are beginning to grouse in spite of government hand-outs designed to help them cope.

2. The Mueller Report. It will likely be issued in the next couple of months. Will it include damaging news for the president or not? Or will it matter? What will be the market’s reaction to it, if any? Surely, there will be some sort of response, but who can guess what it might be?

3. Trump’s tax return. With the Democrats controlling the house, the Judicial Committee has promised to ask the IRS for a copy of Mr. Trump’s tax return. It probably includes something that is not good for the president (otherwise, he would have offered it up long ago). This is another uncertainty similar to the Mueller Report.

4. The Fed. Will they continue to push interest rates as they suggested in the past, or will they slow down or stop making increases? Every monthly meeting is likely to move the market one way or the other. 

5. The season for market prognosticators. The next few weeks will see a spate of annual projections for the market published by the financial press. What will be the common theme(s)? Barron’s has predicted a slow-down or recession in 2020. Jim Cramer says we are already in a bear market. Others will join in with their predictions. They are likely to be all over the place, with all the uncertainty that seems to be out there right now.
I have no idea of which way the short-term market is headed. The economy seems to be progressing along just fine. P/E ratios are on the high side, but less than what they have been for the last few years. Earnings are up, unemployment is near a historic low, consumer demand seems to be high (but might fall off when everything for sale at WalMart gets more expensive). Earnings seem to be increasing across the board (helped by lower corporate taxes and depreciation write-offs). So why did the market drop by 10% over the last two months before getting some of it back this week?

The one thing that seems certain to me is that the current volatility is likely to continue. This does not seem to be a good time to have a lot of calendar spreads in place. It has recently hurt us in the Rising Tide portfolio, for example. On Tuesday this week, JNJ fell over $1.50 in the morning, causing us to adjust to lower strikes. The stock rose over $3 in the afternoon, and again by that amount the next day, causing the portfolio to lose a big chunk of its value. Rather than owning calendar spreads (which by always do well when the market is quiet), this might be a good time to take a breather from the market and take some money off the table.

It might be a good time to buy straddles. A one-week at-the-money straddle on SPY costs a little more than $6. Most of the time, the smart move would be to sell a straddle at that price. But SPY has moved by more than $5 on a single day in each of the last three weeks, making a purchase of a straddle an interesting alternative. I have always preferred selling short-term options to buying them, but maybe this is the time to change my tune. My problem with buying straddles is deciding when to sell. One thing I have tried (with mixed results I’m afraid) is to buy a straddle, and place an order to sell either side of it when it reaches what I paid for the straddle. If it gets triggered, I then hope for the market to reverse itself and the other half of the straddle soars in value. But, inevitably it seems, is that whenever I buy a straddle, the market doesn’t do much of anything, and I end up closing it out on the morning it expires, usually getting back about half my investment.

In the few instances when I have bought short-term options rather than selling them, I have had more luck waiting for the market to move by a very large amount on a single day, and then betting that it will reverse itself shortly thereafter. This involves buying either puts or calls, and not both. But I don’t do it very often. Again, the biggest problem seems to be deciding when to exit the position.


If what you read above interests you, read on to hear about our
2018 Year End Special: 

Today I am going to show you how our credit spread portfolios are doing in 2018.  You will get to see what our paying subscribers see each and every week.  

See a short video of how our Capstone Cascade, Boomer's Revenge, Galloping Turtle and Earnings Eagle portfolios carry out the Bull Put Credit Spread Strategy on a variety of underlying stocks.  

Click here to see this under 4 minute video.

There is a lot of information in there, and if some of it doesn’t make sense or seems like too much data, don’t worry! We have a full 14 day options tutorial that comes with our service, so you will soon understand all the ins and outs of the 3 Terry’s Tips strategies. 

Watching how these portfolios unfold over time in the Saturday Report is a wonderful (and easy) way to learn the intricacies of option trading. You can get started today by coming on board at one of our lowest prices ever with the Year End 2018 Special which expires at midnight Monday December 31st, 2018.

We have three primary strategies: The 10K Strategy, The Bull Put Credit Spread Strategy, and the Diagonal Condor Earnings Strategy.

A number of our portfolios employ what we call the 10K Strategy. It involves selling short-term options on individual stocks and using longer-term (or LEAPS) as collateral. It is sort of like writing calls, except that you don’t have to put up all that cash to buy 100 or 1000 shares of the stock. The 10K Strategy is sort of like writing calls on steroids. It is an amazingly simple strategy that really works with the one proviso that you select a stock that stays flat or moves higher over time.

We’ve also had tremendous success with a bit more conservative strategy of selling Bull Put Credit Spreads. We tested this system over the last few years and in 2017 rolled it out to all our subscribers with fantastic results. 

Also, earlier this year, we have introduced the Diagonal Condor Earnings Strategy.  This new way to play earnings has had fantastic results since we started testing it.  Just in the past few months, we have placed spreads that met our criteria on several companies, including Carmax (KMX), TD Ameritrade (AMTD), and Red Hat (RHT), and these plays were all profitable, with returns from 30% to over 70% including commissions in a single week.

Today, i would like to share a brief video that explains a bit more about our 3 trading strategies and which ones might be of interest to you.

See FREE video here

or cut and paste this:

If you liked the what you saw in the videos above, then this is the time to take action.  Here are the details of our Year End 2018 Special. You don't want to miss this - we only offer special deals a couple of times a year.  

What subscribers are saying:  I have been trading the equity markets with many different strategies for over 40 years. Terry Allen's strategies have been the most consistent money makers for me. I used them during the 2008 melt-down, to earn over 50% annualized return, while all my neighbors were crying about their losses. ~ John C.

One of the Lowest Subscription Prices Ever: As a Year End Special, we are offering one of the lowest subscription prices that we have ever offered – our full package, including:
  • Over 10 valuable case study reports (download from Insiders Page)
  • Terry's Tips White Paper, which explains our favorite option strategies in detail, and shows you exactly how to carry them out on your own
  • 14-day options tutorial program which will give you a solid background on option trading
  • Two months of our Saturday Reports full of tradable option ideas. 
  • End Of Day Trade Alerts or Real Time Alerts/Autotrade With Premium

All this for a one-time fee of $38.98, less than half the cost of the White Paper alone ($79.95).

For this lowest-price-ever $38.97 offer, click here, enter Special Code YES18 (or YES18P for Premium Service - $78.97).

If you are ready to commit for a longer time period, you can save even more with our half-price offer on our Premium service for an entire year. This special offer includes everything in our basic service, and in addition, real-time trade alerts and full access to all of our portfolios so that you can Auto-Trade or follow any or all of them. We have several levels of our Premium service, but this is the maximum level since it includes full access to all nine portfolios which are available for Auto-Trade. A year’s subscription to this maximum level would cost over $1080. With this half-price offer, the cost for a full year would be only $540. Use the Special Code MAX18P.

This is a time-limited offer. You must order by midnight, Monday December 31st, 2018. That’s when the half-price offer expires, and you will have to go back to the same old investment strategy that you have had limited success with for so long (if you are like most investors). 

This is the perfect time to give yourself the gift of the options knowledge that is designed to deliver higher financial returns for the rest of your investing life.

I look forward to helping you by sharing this valuable investment information with you at one of our lowest prices ever. It may take a little homework, but I am sure you will end up thinking it was well worth the investment. Don't miss this opportunity to change your investing style for the rest of your life - come on board today and get yourself set up to beat the "market" in 2018 and beyond!!

Happy trading.


P.S. If you would have any questions about this offer or Terry’s Tips, please contact Seth Allen, our Senior Vice President at 

Or make this investment in yourself at one of the lowest prices ever offered in our 17 years of publication – only $38.97 for our entire package. 

Get it here using Special Code YES18 (or YES18P for Premium Service - $78.97). Do it today, before you forget and lose out. This offer expires on Monday December 31st, 2018.

P.P.S. Use special code MAX18P to get the ultimate Premium Special for $540 (normally $1080)

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"I've always had the greatest respect for Terry's experience and teachings. There are numerous individuals now trying to sell option schemes. This new guy sending out emails, (name deleted), charging $5000 knows just enough to be dangerous--his free videos are bogus! In my humble opinion, Terry's one of the few that's got it right."  ~ Robert Y
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