Subject: New Master Class: How to Generate Safe, Monthly Income Using Options in ANY Market


I remember when I first started trading options. I’d spend hours trying to figure out which trade to place. When I did find a trade, I was never very confident in how things would turn out because I didn’t know how to set it up correctly. Oh, and when it went against me - forget it. I had no idea what to do and usually ended up losing my shirt.

Well, thankfully, those days are over. I’m now consistently generating 5-15% a month just from option trades, and I want to show you the secret I learned that turned things around.

That’s what my brand new MASTER CLASS webinar training will show you... how to fix your broken option trading model and install a system to generate consistent income.

The FREE, LIVE webinar is called...

“The Options Paycheck - How to Generate Safe, Monthly Income Using Options In Any Market”

You belong on this webinar. I am certain about this!

I’m going to share the most important lessons you must know to generate consistent monthly income with options.

In this free webinar, you’ll discover how to...

  • Win more option trades than you lose, so instead of suffering small loss after small loss, you can rack up win after win
  • Immediately take advantage of the mistakes other option traders make
  • Safely sell options, so you trade with confidence, because you know you’ve got things under control
  • Bulletproof your option income system, so you never miss a step again, and know how to consistently generate income

I’ll also reveal the 3 strategic shifts you must make, so you can go from worrying about how to pay the bills to where you can relax and enjoy life.

To make sure you can get on live with me, I am offering 2 date/times. Take your pick before they both fill up!

Wednesday, September 20, 4:30PM EDT / 1:30PM PDT

Thursday, September 21, 4:30PM EDT / 1:30PM PDT

Click the date/time above that works for you, and I will make sure not to disappoint you with this brand new FREE training!

Talk to you soon!

- Ron

P.S. I’m really excited about this free training. I can’t wait to show you how to make consistent money each month with options. You do NOT want to miss it - it has the potential to transform your trading into an income generation machine! Choose the time that works best for you...

Wednesday, September 20, 4:30PM EDT / 1:30PM PDT

Thursday, September 21, 4:30PM EDT / 1:30PM PDT

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