Subject: My "base hit" strategy for profits

To me, one of the best parts of trading is compound returns.

It's the only sustainable way to trade in my opinion. There are gurus out there who claim to make 400% on all their trades, but it's almost impossible to do that consistently.

Sure, I've made plenty of trades over the years that have doubled or tripled my money.

But the real power in trading is racking up those smaller wins.

It's what I focus on with my Monday Movers strategy.

With Monday Movers, I pick my favorite trading opportunities every week, and I teach you how I'm trading them. The goal is to identify the trades that are positioned to gap up over the weekend, while aiming to get out on Monday or Tuesday.

It would be nice if all of those trades doubled or tripled your money. But that's not realistic.

Instead, I like to string together wins like 19.61%... 15.46%... and 32.18% – all recent trades I've made. They may not sound like much, but they are wins. And as I rack up wins every week, my portfolio grows.
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I want to teach you how I rack up these base hits from Friday to Monday and hopefully you can start experiencing success.

Click here and get the Monday Movers trading strategy.

To Your Success,

Jason Bond
Co-Founder, Raging Bull

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