Subject: Motley Fool issues rare triple-buy recommendation

The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool

Motley Fool's Triple Buy Alert Looks a Lot Like Berkshire in 1992

You probably already know this: Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has racked up amazing, life-changing returns over its 50-year history. Anyone who got in early and held on turned a mere $1,000 into more than $12 million!

Think for a moment... of what you'd do with $12 million. You'd finally arrive at the place you've dreamed of... whether that means a new house, more travel, or an early and fun retirement.

If you're like me, you don't want to miss out if another opportunity like that comes along.

With that in mind... what if we could find the next Berkshire Hathaway... a company with the same smart leadership that uses Buffett's disciplined, common-sense approach of leveraging the insurance business to buy other stocks, bonds, and entire companies? And a knack for finding winners in "obvious" places that most people miss?

Tom Gardner, CEO of the Motley Fool, believes he has found the perfect "mini-Berkshire." He's confident enough in this company that he's recommended it three times to his members... and that's something that just doesn't happen very often.

And when the Fools re-recommend a stock, they say it's "a sign of extra confidence in a company we already know well."

But here's the most astounding news to me:

While Berkshire is now probably too big to achieve the massive gains it saw in the past, this new company is not: It's only 1/30th Berkshire’s size... and therefore has much more growth potential.

What's more, this mini-Berkshire's CEO is a charismatic investor and a proven winner: Since the business started 30 years ago, his company's stock has risen more than 11,000%!

But I must again state the electrifying part of all this: They're still tiny compared to Berkshire. Just take a look at this chart:

With its nearly $500 billion market cap, Berkshire is gigantic... the fifth-largest company on all U.S. stock exchanges. It's simply too big to grow the way it has in the past. But our "mini-Berkshire," on the other hand, is just 1/30th the size!

If it continues to imitate Berkshire Hathaway in performance as well as style, its future gains could be astonishing.

The triple-buy recommendation I mentioned comes from The Motley Fool, but they will only release the pick to members of their Stock Advisor service.

Luckily, it's not too late, so I'm going to show you the simple steps to join secure access today.

Even though timing isn't everything, history has shown that it can pay to move early on stocks like this one -- especially when you consider the average pick in Stock Advisor is up 386%

Simply click below to learn how you can unlock the full details behind this new recommendation and join Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

In case you're strapped for time, I just tested it myself and joining took less than two minutes.

This is your chance to get in early on of what could prove to be very special investment advice.

Think about how many investing trends you've missed out on, even though you knew they were going to be big.

Don't let that happen again. This is your chance to get in early.

Here's to you and your family's wealth,


David Hanson
Investment Analyst,
The Motley Fool


Returns as of July 23, 2018.

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