Subject: End 2019 With a Bang – Our Lowest Price Ever

 End 2019 With a Bang – Our Lowest Price Ever

Stock Options Success

Our Lowest Price Ever, and It Will Not be Repeated, Ever


Dear Former Subscriber:

2019 is almost history.  The results are in.  Our 10K Strategy portfolios, 4 of them, trading options on COST, MSFT, and SPY, made an average gain of 103% this year.  


As you know, these are not hypothetic results which don’t include commissions like most newsletters.  We put our own money into these real portfolios.  Each one is set up in a separate account at TD Ameritrade and include all the commissions at their regular rates.  Many of our subscribers follow our trades in their own accounts or participate in the free Auto-Trade service offered by thinkorswim.  As another successful years ends, our subscribers who followed us through Auto-Trade are happy campers having doubled their money.


Of course, 2019 has been an unusually good year for the market, so we can’t promise these same results will come our way going forward.  But two years ago, 2017 wasn’t such a good year and these same portfolios gained 112% for the year.  Once again, real portfolios, our own money at stake. Every trade revealed to subscribers (and every portfolio open for all to see).


We have not raised our prices once in 18 years, and we have always been less expensive than just about every newsletter out there.  We plan to raise prices in early 2020, and this will be your last chance to get in at the same prices we charged in 2001 when we first got going.

Start off 2020 on the right foot by taking us up on our half-price offer on our Premium service for an entire year. This special offer includes real-time trade alerts and full access to all of our portfolios so that you can Auto-Trade or follow any or all of them. We have several levels of our Premium service, but this is the maximum level since it includes full access to all 7 portfolios which are available for Auto-Trade. A year’s subscription to this maximum level would cost over $1080. With this half-price offer, the cost for a full year would be only $540. Click 
here, and use the Special Code MAX19P.

This is a time-limited offer. You must order by midnight, Monday January 6, 2020. That’s when the half-price offer expires.

I think we have made some important tweaks to our 10K Strategy that have made our recent results possible.  I hope you might like to take another look for yourself.

As always, happy trading.


P.S. Use special code MAX19P to get the ultimate Premium Special for $540 (normally $1080). Click 