Dear Friend,
I sincerely apologize for the special note I sent to you
earlier today. My thanks go out to the large number of subscribers who
wrote in asking what the heck I was talking about. The entire message concerned VIX and I was
trading VIX options, but when I told you about the trade I had made, I
substituted an “X” where the “I” was in the option code.
The spread should have read:
BTO 1 VIX 23Nov16 21 call (VIX161123C21)
STO 1 VIX 23Nov16 15 call (VIX161123C15) for a credit of $2.50
(selling a vertical)
The good news is that this spread now has a natural price of
a $2.65 credit, and you can probably get $2.60, a better price than I was so happy about collecting. That would increase
your return on investment from 71% on my price to 76% if you collected $2.60.
This may be a short time-frame for VIX to retreat to its
historical 12 -14 level. You might want
to use the 18Jan17 series instead, although you would probably only collect
$2.30 (natural price $2.35) which would result in a 62% gain on your investment
(and maximum loss) if VIX is under 15 when those calls expire. I sold a few of those spreads myself late
I apologize for my inarticulate fingers which typed out the
incorrect underlying option code. I
guess they had a senior moment.
Happy trading, and remember to vote in 5 days. It is your democratic duty.