Subject: Friend - Come Back For a Cup of Coffee

Come Back for a Cup of Coffee

January 9, 2016 Saturday Report
Dear Friend,

There have been huge changes at Terry's Tips and I would like to exchange them for the cost of a cup of coffee.

In many respects, as a former subscriber, we owe you a big apology. We have now concluded after 15 years of trying, that the 10k Strategy is not the best of all option strategies. Only one of our current 9 portfolios still uses it (underlying is Facebook). 
Even though we doubled our money using the 10k Strategy for many different companies, in almost every case, we lost much of what we had gained when the underlying fell back a little and our leverage came back to bite us.

It is not easy for us to confess that our favorite strategy is really not that good. On the brighter side, we have a new strategy that has proved to be spectacular. It that has made an average gain of about 40% a year for the past several years. It wasn’t available for Auto-Trade, so very few subscribers were able to participate. 
The new strategy involves very few trades, sometimes only once a quarter. Because of this, you could probably do it yourself rather than using Auto-Trade and paying for our premium service (although they are available for Auto-Trading if you want it).

For the first two months of 2017, all 9 portfolios have made gains. The composite average has gained over 20%. Admittedly, this has been a good time for the market. SPY has gained about 5%. But our portfolios have done 4 times as well.

Our most conservative portfolio is designed to make 30% a year. It has selected 4 blue chip stocks which pay hefty dividends. The portfolio will gain 30% as long as these stocks don’t fall more than 10% during the year. We think that the high dividend rate will provide a floor for the stock even if the market has a correction. This portfolio has gained 12% in the first two months, well ahead of its annual goal.

I would like to share every trade and every position in these 9 portfolios, and the thinking behind every strategy. Best of all, your cost will only be the same as a venti caffe latte at Starbucks, including tax. That’s $4.34. And it could change everything you ever thought about investing in options.

For $4.34, you will receive two full months of our regular subscription service. I think you will really learn a lot from checking out the spreads we have in all 9 portfolios. We cover many underlyings that we have never used before. You will also get a copy of my completely revised and updated White Paper which explains this new option strategy in detail.

Go here and use the Special Code CAFFE to get the revised White Paper, and two months of a subscription to Terry’s Tips. No long term commitment. Cancel anytime with no questions asked.

This is the best offer (by far) I have ever made to subscribe to Terry’s Tips. I am only doing it because I am so confident that once you see the new strategies we have, you will want to follow along for a very long time. 
I hope you are willing to give us another look at the lowest price ever. I am confident that you will be a lot more satisfied with your new knowledge than you would be from another cup of coffee, even if it is a gourmet choice.

Happy trading,


P.S Go here to get a two-month subscription to Terry’s Tips, and a copy of the totally revised and updated White Paper for only $4.15. Use the Special Code CAFFE. It just might the best investment decision you make in 2017.

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