Subject: 7 Best Stocks to Kick-Start 2018

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Today Only: Just-Released
7 Best Stocks for January Absolutely Free.
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Fellow Investor,

I made exclusive arrangements to bring Terry's Tips members the best January stocks from Zacks Investment Research free of charge.

From 220 Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys, these 7 were hand-picked by experts to break out the earliest.

Why are these stocks so worth looking into?

1. They were culled from the Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys list that has more than doubled the market from 1988-2016 with an average gain of +25% per year. These returns were examined and attested by Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP*, an independent accounting firm.
2. Many stocks from our 7 Best reports make very substantial leaps in just one month. For example: Zagg Inc. +40.2%, Kemet Corp. +26.2%, CAI International +27.1%, and KMG Chemicals +31.4%.

Let me assure you that there's no cost for our brand-new 7 Best report and no obligation to buy anything now or ever. I simply want you to discover the real-time predictive power of the Zacks Rank.

Please note: this exclusive free report is only available today, Friday, January 5.

See Stocks Free

Good Investing,

Kevin Matras
Kevin Matras
Executive Vice President
Zacks Investment Research

P.S. Second Free Report: In addition to our 7 best stocks, you may also download our 220 worst. Many of these portfolio killers seem solid, but since 1988, Zacks Rank #5 Strong Sells have performed 6 times worse than the market. Check today's list and make sure none of them are among the stocks you are holding and considering. Download now »

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