Subject: 5G Bombshell

President Trump recently spoke onstage about "winning the race to be the world's leading provider of 5G."

This race could be a massive boon to a $5 stock that's doing something unprecedented.

This company has signed Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint to its partner list...

It holds more than 200 patents...

And it produces a CRUCIAL piece of 5G technology.

But it's virtually unknown - it has only five earnings analysts following it.

That's about to change in a major way.

Its new device could become even more common than TV sets and smartphones.

And investors could make a substantial sum of money. (See how much the stock could rise here.)

The world's No. 1 5G investment expert just declared it "the Next Tech Giant."

Check out his short video about this company here.


Christina Grieves
Senior Managing Editor, The Oxford Club

P.S. It's insane that this 5G stock trades for less than $5 a share. It's signed partnerships with AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. It has more than 200 patents. It evens manufactures a cornerstone piece of 5G tech. Check out the exclusive "leaked" footage right here.

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