Subject: Send a Friend Request For The Right Reason

Send a Friend Request For The Right Reason

November 25th, 2015 at 8:03 pm EDT

Hello Friend,How's it going? Hope all is well!The eve before Thanksgiving and I want to share today's marketing tip. If you're on Facebook, you're probably getting friend requests all the time. As a network marketer, you know how important it is to e ...

Accept Responsibility For Your Success!

November 23rd, 2015 at 7:21 pm EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going?A little late today! Busy with home stuff and didn't have a moment!But wanted to share my marketing tip for today.Are you or do you know someone who is a little disheartened about the results they're getting in their business ...

A Gift For You!

November 22nd, 2015 at 8:02 am EDT

Friend, How are you on this beautiful Sunday?I sent you an email on Friday about using images in your marketing.Not all images are free for public use and there are severe penalties for using images that are copyright protected.I just came across thi ...

Stay Away from Images Subject to Copyright Infringement Laws

November 20th, 2015 at 9:41 am EDT

Good morning, Friend,How are you today? I hope all is well!It's time for another marketng tip that I just posted and, of course, want to share with you.Do you post about your business on Facebook or any other social media platform? Are you putting ou ...

Stay Focused On Your Goals With A Vision Board

November 19th, 2015 at 8:41 am EDT

Hello and how's it going, Friend,I hope all is well! I just posted my daily marketing tip and wanted to share it with you so you can begin to utilize it as part of your marketing strategy. Let me ask you this: Have you ever felt disheartened? Like al ...

Use Hashtags So Your Targeted Audience Can Find You

November 18th, 2015 at 10:27 am EDT

Good morning Friend, Hope all is well with you! I just posted my marketing tip for the day and want to share it with you so you can add it to your marketing arsenal! Hashtags are big today! Everything you read has an accompanying hashtag or two. ...

Go Beyond The Lead Magnet

November 17th, 2015 at 9:24 am EDT

Good morning Friend,Hope you had a restful night!I just posted my Marketing Tip for the day and wanted to share it with you right away!. How many times have you stumbled upon a website and a few seconds after arriving, you get a pop up? Sometimes th ...

Are You Honest With Yourself And Do You Take Action?

November 16th, 2015 at 7:36 pm EDT

Hi there Friend,Hope all is well!Have you had any difficulty making progress in your network marketing business? You know, for so many, it's not as easy as it the beginning. I get so many people reaching out to me for help and advice but y ...

Lessons From The Hill

November 10th, 2015 at 6:30 pm EDT

Hi Friend, How's it going? It’s been a very busy day but I wanted to write you to share a blog post I wrote a couple of months ago. The first part of the blog post is below but you'll have to click on the blue text to get the whole story ...

It's called Higdonmania and It's Happening NOW!!

November 8th, 2015 at 5:14 pm EDT

Hi Friend,Just wanted to share this exciting information with you.Do you have a blog? If not, want one?There is an incredible opportunity at your door, will you open and let it in? 5,815 People Registered to Watch This Webinar LIVE… Watch the Re ...