Subject: Business Couldn't Be Better - from Theresa

Business Couldn't Be Better - from Theresa

July 22nd, 2016 at 10:47 am EDT

Hello Friend,How's it going?It's another beautiful day and no matter where you may live, any dayis beautiful because each dayis a gift!So, today, I wanted to be frank with you...As marketers in this industry, we allknow about the statistics!97% of al ...

Get Them To Fall In Love - from Theresa

July 20th, 2016 at 9:55 am EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going?Hope all is well!I'm still on a network marketing highafter that convention!It really gave me a lot to think aboutand a lot to plan...Today, I wanted to share my latest blog post with you because it is a topic that network ma ...

This Is Where Life In The Industry Changes - from Theresa

July 18th, 2016 at 9:28 am EDT

Hello Friend,How's it going?Well, what a wonderful time I had at mycompany's convention!It was my first and I was so moved by whatI saw and heard. It has given me a new purpose!I still have some unpacking to do and then abunch of errands. Seems like ...

A Life-Changing Event, Just What The Doctor Ordered - from Theresa

July 13th, 2016 at 9:26 am EDT

Greetings!Hope it's going well!For the past few days, I've been getting ready for my trip to OKC.This weekend, well starting Thursday, is mycompany's annual convention!I've been with LegalShield for almost three years now and haven't made it to the f ...

Been There, Read That! - from Theresa

July 8th, 2016 at 9:55 am EDT

Greetings, Friend,Hope all is well!So, let's talk about new ways to present information!We have to keep our content fresh and creative!We want to spark curiosity!And we want repeat visitors to our content!I see it so often...The same information...Pr ...

I Can't Say It Enough...- from Theresa

July 7th, 2016 at 10:53 am EDT

Hi there Friend,Hope all is well!And so the busy holiday weekend (for us US folks, anyway) has come to an end...And that means back to the business of business!Not that our businesses were closed during that time... But we all probably took it a litt ...

Hot Off The Press! - from Theresa

July 4th, 2016 at 2:28 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Happy fourth! Hope you're having a fabulous day!So, as I am always looking for waysto provide value...I came across something that I thinkwill help me help you!A newspaper!That's right...But not just any newspaper...This newspaper is foc ...

Your Business NEVER Shuts Down - from Theresa

July 1st, 2016 at 10:23 am EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going?Well, the weekend is upon us!For those still doing the 9-5, the most awaited time of the week!So what are you doing this weekend?For most people, the weekend means a short vacation from the regular work week activities!Barbeq ...

Are You Listening? - from Theresa

June 30th, 2016 at 10:59 am EDT

Hey Friend,I came across this video by Oprahyesterday and I think the message is onethat we all need to hear and can all learn from.Are you listening to the whispers of your life?We have to begin paying more attentionto those subtle messages that lif ...

Are You Listening? - from Theresa

June 30th, 2016 at 10:40 am EDT

Hey Friend,I came across this video by Oprahyesterday and I think the message is onethat we all need to hear and can all learn from.Are you listening to the whispers of your life?We have to begin paying more attentionto those subtle messages that lif ...