Subject: Cracking The Network Marketing Code - from Theresa

Cracking The Network Marketing Code - from Theresa

March 23rd, 2017 at 7:57 am EDT

Hey Friend, Missed you yesterday!Hope all is well!I read this blog post yesterday and it brought back those early memories of when I first started in this industry.You know, when I first started in this industry, I was clueless.I started out by doing ...

Do Not Open Before Christmas - from Theresa

March 21st, 2017 at 6:56 am EDT

Hey there FriendHow's it going? Do you remember as a kid seeingChristmas presents all wrapped up under the tree?On some of the packages there was a tag that said, "Do Not Open Before Christmas."What was the ONE thing you wanted to do when you saw tha ...

Get Motivated In 60 Seconds - from Theresa

March 20th, 2017 at 9:16 am EDT

Hello Friend,It's been a few days! How's everything going in your world?I hope awesome and you are still at it makingyour business just as awesome!I've been involved in another project that tookme away for these past few days but I'm back and ready t ...

Do I Really Need A Blog? - from Theresa

March 16th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hello Friend,How are you today?I hope all is well!I'm up late tonight working on a few things but I wanted to send you some valuebefore I turn in for the night.A question that I often get asked especiallyfrom those new to the industry is, "Do Ireally ...

7 Proven Steps To Attract Customers On Facebook - from Theresa

March 15th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going?Today was a snow day!Snow, sleet, rain, ice and heavy winds...A blizzard!So now, there's snow and ice everywhereand it's COLD! Brrr!!I'm late with my email so I wanted to send you some value before retiring for the night.This ...

Have You Been Suffering In Silence? - from Theresa

March 13th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi Friend,Happy Monday!How's it going?You know, I was talking to several people over the weekend and found that they have a lot of issues in building their businesses.In many cases, they don't know which wayto turn...Who to talk to... Or where to get ...

9 Insights For Writing Effective Emails - from Theresa

March 8th, 2017 at 1:15 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Hope all is well and you are rocking itin your business!I'm on my way out but wanted to send you another blog post that I know will be ofvalue to you as you continue to buildyour business.Do you have a list?Remember, the money is in the ...

Facebook Profile or Facebook Fan Page - from Theresa

March 7th, 2017 at 7:18 am EDT

Hello and Happy Tuesday, Friend,Hope all is well with you today!I just want to share a blog post with you that answers that eternal question...Profile or fan page?If you have a Facebook account, and I'm sure do...And if you have a business, which I k ...

A Good Way For You To Get Some Exposure! - from Theresa

March 6th, 2017 at 8:49 am EDT

Hello Friend,Happy Monday!Happy Motivation Monday!!Yes, today is the designated day to be motivated so that we keep pushing forward to success!So, in today's newsletter, I am inviting youto visit my Facebook profile. Click HERE to get to my profile!T ...

Thank Goodness I'm A LegalShield Member - from Theresa

March 3rd, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi FriendDid you know that everyone has legal issues? They may not be "in your face" issues like owing the IRS money or an error in your student loanbalance that you've ended up paying for...for years! They could be simple things like disputing a cel ...