Subject: Friend, Reliable, Punctual, Efficient...Is that You? - from Theresa


How's it going?

Hope all is well!

Here's a quick tip...a reminder!

Do you show up when you say you will?

Are your prospects hearing from you 
when you say you’ll call? 

Remember to record important dates and 

As marketers, we’re busy.

We’re meeting and connecting with people.

We’re having conversations and building 

We’re doing live presentations and webinars.

We’re attending trainings and webinars.

We’re going to company events.

In addition, we have appointments for our 
own personal matters and situations.

Most of what we do involves dates and times.

Don’t leave it to chance that you’ll remember 
each and every one.

The reality is that you won’t…you can’t!

Keep track of where you have to be and
when by recording the activity, time and date. 

Make the calls you said you’ll make by 
writing a notation of them and what 
they’re about.

When you show up to where you have to 
be and on time…

Or make phone calls that you say you’ll 
make at the time you say…

You show yourself as being reliable, 
punctual and efficient!

Most importantly, you show yourself as a 
professional and a leader

So get a datebook and start recording.

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

If you're struggling in your business, 
ask for help. 

It will take you that much longer to be 
successful if you don't. 

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to get Simple Top-Earner
Secrets to Get More Leads, Customers & Reps...
and Make in YOUR Home Business in 1o Days
(or less)!

Text me! 646-573-3850

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