Subject: Friend, Let The Creative Games Begin!

Hi Friend,

How's it going? Hope all is well!

I wanted to share something with you

that might be of interest and might spice

up your marketing!!

I was watching a webinar the other day

and the presenter 
was speaking about


He said that a lot of marketers are so

focused in the message that they never

think of different and interesting ways to

deliver their message.

Are you like that? I was. Just getting the

message out there. Almost robotic! But in

his webinar, he explained that it's okay to 

be creative in our marketing.


I've been so busy just getting ads out there

posts on social media, it never occurred

to me to be...

It makes sense, though. You want people

to notice you and take an interest in what you

have to say.

You that by piquing their curiousity. And you 

pique their curiousity by doing something

creative. Something no one else is doing. 


Creative is right up my alley but I've been

so hard, I never thought about the

creative side to 
marketing. I bet you have too!


You may be wondering, "How can I be more



Well, you can get inspiration from what's

around you 
like TV, movies, news, pop culture

and other marketers.


You have to be creative in your sales copy.

The purpose 
of what you say is to get your

prospects engaged.

So, use 
language that gets their attention,

use bold words that 
create excitement and

don't make unrealistic promises
(turn $10.00 into $10,000 in 2 weeks.) 

Thumbs down!


You want to create curiousity!


Another way to be creative is to personalize

your copy.

For example, take pictures of yourself working

at your 
computer with a catchy headline and



Pictures of you increase engagement and

builds your brand. 
Thumbs up!


There are also some sites that allow for creativity

by putting 
your picture on pre-selected images,

like a movie screen 
or a frame in an art gallery.


You'd be surprised how much curiousity you'll

pique by 
using these types of posts.


So, I just want to share some of these sites

where you 
can really begin to get creative in

your marketing.

to spice things up! Wouldn't you agree?  


1. - online picture editing tool

that let’s you 
produce animated and fun

images instantly with ease, 
using your own

photos and a bit of imagination  


2. - free web-based photo editor

makes editing 
photos easy. Apply quick fixes,

overlays, filters, and 
stickers to make any

photo beautiful.


3. Powerpoint - To add special-effect visual

impact to images, 
insert and edit images

and video. 


4. - gives you everything you

need to easily turn 
ideas into stunning designs.

Create designs for Web or print:

blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers,

flyers, posters, 
invitations and so much more.


So, Friend, I hope you begin exploring

some of these sites and see 
how you can

change the face of your marketing...for 
the better.


And if you're still looking for ways to generate

leads, click 
here to find out how you can

leaverage Twitter to do 
just that...for FREE!!!


Until next time, 



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*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.

Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it

really is just me, providing you with ways to help

your business!