Subject: Decide To Be A Business Builder - from Theresa

Decide To Be A Business Builder - from Theresa

July 4th, 2017 at 11:37 pm EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going? I hope all is well!Just winding down from a 4th of Julybarbeque today!How was your week-end?So I wanted to share a tip with you. You're a business builder?Business builders do certain things in an effort to build their busin ...

Put Something In To get Something Out - from Theresa

June 28th, 2017 at 10:47 am EDT

Hey Friend,How's it going? It's already mid-week and time is goingby so swiftly!That is why it's so important that if you are having difficulty in building your business, you need to get help as soon as possible.It might be just a little tweak you ha ...

9 Ways to Position Yourself As A Leader - from Theresa

June 27th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi Friend,Happy Tuesday!How's it going? Hope all is well!So one of the things I first heard when Ijoined this industry is that you have tobe a leader.OK...What does that mean and how do I do that? ...was my first response.I listened to the leaders ta ...

5 For The Week - from Theresa

June 26th, 2017 at 6:54 am EDT

Hello Friend and Happy Monday!Hope all is well!Getting back on track, I would like to continue the tradition of MotivationMonday!Since we're all working hard, striving for our own success, we can all usemotivation!Motivation touches upon our struggle ...

How To Leverage Facebook Ads - from Theresa

June 23rd, 2017 at 10:27 am EDT

Hey Friend, Happy Friday!How's it going? Hope all is well!So I just heard the other day thatFacebook has introduced a new advertising feature that involvesmessaging.Have you heard about it?If you're looking for another wayto connect with your prospec ...

It's All About Me...Or Is It? - from Theresa

June 21st, 2017 at 1:49 pm EDT

Hi Friend,How are you? I hope you're doing well!I've been away for a while working on some other things and really didn't mean to neglect you.I'm back now and will continue to provide youwith the very best value I can...Marketing tips and strategies ...

Does It Make You Cry - from Theresa

June 7th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going?I was talking to a few people the other daywho shared their frustration and their disappointment with me.They haven't been able to get results...When I continued asking questions, I discovered that they have not been verycons ...

Are You Telling Stories? - from Theresa

June 6th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Happy Tuesday, Friend! Hope you're well!Hey listen...Are you telling stories as part of your marketingstrategy?If not, WHY NOT?Stories play an integral role in your success as a marketer.So many marketers don't know how to tell theirstory...And so ma ...

Monday Mojo Tonight - from Theresa

June 5th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hey...Happy Monday, FriendHope you had a restful weekend!To start the week off, I want to invite you to a webinar, Monday Mojo.That's tonight at 9:00PM EST.It's a marketing training presented byElite Marketing Pro.Would you like to get your hands on ...

7 Rules Of Effective Goal Setting - from Theresa

May 30th, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi Friend,How's it going?Happy Tuesday to you! What's on youragenda for today?Just want to talk to you a little aboutsetting goals.You've probably heard it again and again...setting goals is importantbecause goals take you from where you areto where ...