Subject: Facebook Profile or Facebook Fan Page - from Theresa

Facebook Profile or Facebook Fan Page - from Theresa

March 7th, 2017 at 7:18 am EDT

Hello and Happy Tuesday, Friend,Hope all is well with you today!I just want to share a blog post with you that answers that eternal question...Profile or fan page?If you have a Facebook account, and I'm sure do...And if you have a business, which I k ...

A Good Way For You To Get Some Exposure! - from Theresa

March 6th, 2017 at 8:49 am EDT

Hello Friend,Happy Monday!Happy Motivation Monday!!Yes, today is the designated day to be motivated so that we keep pushing forward to success!So, in today's newsletter, I am inviting youto visit my Facebook profile. Click HERE to get to my profile!T ...

Thank Goodness I'm A LegalShield Member - from Theresa

March 3rd, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi FriendDid you know that everyone has legal issues? They may not be "in your face" issues like owing the IRS money or an error in your student loanbalance that you've ended up paying for...for years! They could be simple things like disputing a cel ...

Do You Know What Your Customers Want? - Theresa

March 2nd, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Happy Thursday, TheresaHard to believe the weekend is upon us already!Here's a quick tip for you today:Know what your customers want. Marketers want to make sales. That's why they're in business. But remember that it's not just putting your product o ...

Were You Able To Attend? - from Theresa

March 1st, 2017 at 9:00 am EDT

Hi Friend,On the run this morning but wanted to invite you to the webinar I invited youto last week!Were you able to attend?Reserve your seat HEREIf you didn't attend, you have a second chance to do so!If you did attend, you can attend again and get ...