Subject: Don't Waste Your Time On A Tire Kicker - from Theresa

Don't Waste Your Time On A Tire Kicker - from Theresa

October 31st, 2016 at 8:38 am EST

Hello Friend,How's it going? Hope all is well!I've been away the whole weekend helpingmy sister with her open house.She's an artist and every year, she opens herhome to show her works. And her work isamazing!If you'd like to see her work, let me know ...

You Want To Get Leads, Right? - from Theresa

October 28th, 2016 at 11:58 am EST

Hi Friend,How's it going? Hoping all is well!It's been a few days, I know...I actually wrote on Monday but somehowit got deleted before I could send it.So, what's going on in your world?Are you making any progress in your business?I wanted to talk ab ...

Ever Make A Promise - from Theresa

October 24th, 2016 at 8:49 am EST

Hello, hello!How's it going, Friend?Hope all is well!Just a quick share today because I am on the move!Did you ever make a promise?Did you keep it?In business, it's really important to keep anypromises you make. It speaks volumes about your reliabili ...

A Daily Dose of Mindset - from Theresa

October 20th, 2016 at 8:30 am EST

Hi Friend,How's it going? Hope all is well!Did you know that part of a marketer'sdaily plan should be mindset?Everyday, you should be engaged in someform of mindset...It could be reading 10 pages from a book...You could listen to an audio....Watchin ...

Leaders Know Stuff - from Theresa

October 19th, 2016 at 11:14 am EST

Hey Friend,How's it going? Hope all is well!Have you written any content lately?Shot a video yet?If not, why not?You are a leader in the industry...And I know you might be saying,Me? A leader? It's true!You ARE a leader!And that's who people are look ...

6 Reasons To Tell A Story - from Theresa

October 18th, 2016 at 9:24 am EST

Hey Friend,How's it going?Have a doctor's appointment in a little whileso I'm rushing out but wanted to share mylatest blog post with you!I'm sure you've heard that facts tell but storiessell...In this post, I list 6 reasons for using storiesand expl ...

Offline Networking Still Works - from Theresa

October 17th, 2016 at 8:42 pm EST

Hey Friend,How's it going?Hope your weekend was as fabulous as you!Mine was spent in NYC at the Jacob JavitsCenter. The vending and networking event was theCircle of Sisters. A 2-day event!It was great!!I was able to get about 35 leads from justtalki ...

4 Sure-FireWays to Generate Leads - from Theresa

October 14th, 2016 at 9:17 am EST

Hey Friend,How's it going?Did you receive my email yesterday?What about my emails in general?Have you been receiving them?I hope you're getting some value from them and that they're helping you, answering some of your questionsand giving you a better ...

You Have A Full Day Ahead - from Theresa

October 13th, 2016 at 10:45 am EST

Hello Friend,How's it going?A beautiful day today...a typical fallmorning here in New Jersey!I hope all is well and you're ready to slaughter this day...Get all your marketing activities done... Meet and connect with people...Get some personal develo ...

Everybody Likes Marketing Tips - from Theresa

October 12th, 2016 at 12:12 pm EST

Hi Friend,How's it going today?Are you tuning in to the MLSP morningwake up calls?If not, you really should be.What a dose of mindset to get you going!Here's the info so you can get on...712.432.3431 - Pin: 399808#...And that's every morning, Monday- ...