Subject: Your 5 for The Week - from Theresa

And so, here we are again, Friend...

It's Monday!

How was your weekend? 

How was your week?

You know that I believe in a daily dose
of motivation...

And I think Mondays are a good day to share 
motivational quotes for the day...

Or, for the week!

It gets rough out there and sometimes we might
slip up and think about giving up!

As an entrepreneur, you can't give up!

You made a commitment to yourself and no matter
what obstacle you face, you have to persevere!

You MUST persevere!!

So, motivational quotes can be a way to help
you do that!

And on that note, here are your 5 for the week!

1. " It is true that every effort is not converted into
success but it is true that success does not come
without efforts."
-Author Unknown

" Don't be a prisoner of your past, be an architect
of your future."
-Author Unknown

" Since it is impossible to escape the result of our
own deeds, let us practice good works."

" Nothing can truly hold us back from becoming
who we want to be - we choose our fate, and every
excuse is just another nail in the coffin."

-Kasey Noll

5. " If you're not overwhelmed and don't have a lot
on your plate, you might be wasting your time.
Everyone needs to feel a little bit uncomfortable
to know that they're growing."

-Dr. Maloney Hunter-Lowe 

So there you have it...your 5 for the week! 

I hope they keep you focused, motivated and ready 
to take on the world!

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

By the way,  if you're struggling in your 
business, ask for help. 

It will take you that much longer to be 
successful if you don't. 

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Discover And Solve The 3 Biggest Problems That 
Are Holding You Back From Earning As Much As You're 
Worth. (Hint: Most affiliate programs make you do all the 
work and reap all of the rewards on the backend)

Text me! 646-573-3850

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