Subject: What If? - from Theresa

Hi Friend

Hope you’re having a fabulous day!

I just want to borrow a few seconds of your 
time and tell you about a project I’m working on.  

Are you familiar with either Fitbit or Apple 

Knowing what you know today about Fitbit/Apple 
Watch, what if you could go back in time and be 
one of the first to get involved...

And you could get paid on every device sold 
anywhere in the world...

Would you have done it?

What if  I gave you the chance TODAY to be 
one of the first to be involved, would you want 
in on this?

Within the next 48 hours, I’m going to fill 
my 2 top positions. 

If I gave you the chance TODAY to have 1 of the 
top positions and to earn income from every device 
sold from all of the people purchasing devices 
after you...

Would you want that position today? 

Are you ready to secure your position now with 
either a HELO Box Set or HELO Family Pack?

If so, contact me so I can get you more 
information on this life changing opportunity. 

That’s it for now. Have a wonderful day!

Your partner on the journey,
Text me: 646-573-3850

*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.
Parts of this email are an advertisement...but it
really is just me, providing you with ways to help.