Subject: What Are YOUR Core Values? - from Theresa

Hello Friend,

Hope all is well!

Well, it's Day 3 of the new year (but don't
worry, I won't be counting down)

I hope that you have your goals written down
so you can stay laser-focused and actualize them.

Today, I want to share my marketing tip for the

It's all about YOU and YOUR core values. 

Part of the attraction marketing strategy is to 
become attractive to your audience. 

Your attractiveness is what actually draws people
to you.

One way to have that vibe or that "air" about you 
is by letting your core values shine through.

And that's today's tip: Let Your Core Values Shine

As a network marketer, you must always work on
your brand ensuring that everything you do
reflects it.

Your personal brand statement gives prospects
an idea of who you are, what you stand for and
what you believe.

Therefore, let who you are, what you stand for
and what believe come through

in what you write,

in the videos you make,

in the type of posts you display,

in your comments

and in other ways you communicate 
with people.

Honesty, integrity, fair play, reciprocity, respect,
courtesy, service to others are some of those
values that come through in your daily activities.

Make sure your actions reveal a true picture of who
you say you are, what you stand for and what you

Hope you found value in this. 

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to discover how you can create
stunning images for your marketing projects
such as blog graphics, presentations, Facebook
covers, flyers, posters, invitations and more!

P.S.S. Click HERE to learn more about the marketing 
system I'm using to help me generate leads, sign up reps
and make money from the 90% of people who say NO to 
my opportunity!

Email me:
Text me! 646-573-3850

Remember to follow me...

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