Subject: What Are The 4 Stages Of A Sales Funnel? - from Theresa

Hello and Happy Tuesday, Theresa!

How's it going?

In today's edition of the Newbie Network, I 
explain why a sales funnel is important.

So why is a sales funnel important? 

A sales funnel is important if you want to have 

a serious business with a long term income 


It's a well thought-out pattern of follow up 

sequences and product upgrades to maximize 

how much income you can earn from visitors 

to your site. 

Your primary goal in creating a sales funnel 
is to move people from one stage to another 
until they are ready to purchase from you. 

The four stages of a sales funnel are awareness, 
interest, decision and action. 

First, the prospect is made aware of what you 
have to offer. He may also become aware of 
the problem he may have and then look for 
ways to solve it.

Next, he may begin to actively look for solutions 
to the problem and may do searches on Google 
or other search engines.

Your content can attract him if it's what can 
help him solve his problem. 

He may show an interest and begin following
you on social media and may even sign up to 
your email list.

At the next stage, he's paying more attention 
to you and your offer and makes a decision to 
take advantage of your offer as a solution to 
his problem.

Now the sales pages, webinars and calls come 
into play leading the prospect to the final
stage which is action.

Here, he makes the purchase.

This is how you make sales and this is why you
need to create a sales funnel that will attract 
leads and eventually get you the sale.

It's important to note here that your content 
plays a huge role in getting the attention of a 
prospect and keeping his attention.

If you want to know more about funnels, 

reply to this email. I can help.

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to learn how to create an ebook
Leverage your e-book to Get 11+ Leads / Day!
Fre.e training and fre.e tools included.

P.S.S Learn more about the marketing system 
I'm using to help me generate leads, sign up 
reps and make money from the 90% of people 
who say NO to my opportunity!
Click HERE 

Email me:
Text me! 646-573-3850

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