Subject: Using Images Can Cost You - from Theresa

Happy Wednesday, Friend...

We're at the half-way mark...

This week is flying by!

You know, the other day I heard someone
talking about images.

The person was saying that she was a
little nervous using images she found on 
Google because of copyright issues.

And she's absolutely correct!

Using images you find in a search on Google 
can cost you...legally.

So you want to avoid grabbing images found
in a search.

Because I know that as a marketer, you use
images in your ads, status updates on social 
media, in your blog posts, etc.,
it's important to know that you just can't
take images without permission!

I'm going to share a few sites where you can
fre.ely use the images with no threat of
legal issues!

1. Pixabay 
2. Pexels
3. Unsplash
4. Morguefile

All of the above can be used with no problem.

Just be careful because some of these sites
display a small area with some images that
require a license. 

You can tell which they are because of a
watermark on the image itself.

You'll want to avoid those...unless you want to 
purchase the license...that's entirely up to you!

Here's the final one Freedigitalphoto

With this one, you have to give credit (attribution)
to FreedigitalPhoto...

Basically, state that the image is courtesy of

Hope this is helpful as you plan your marketing

None of us need to be dealing with legal issues
because of an image. 

The above sites will give you any image you're 
looking for  and fre.e of charge!

That's it for now!

If you have any questions or need anything, 
just reply to this email or reach out to me on  

By the way, if you are struggling or need help, 
hesitate to reach out. The longer you 
stay hidden 
and struggling, the sooner your 
business will 
fail. Ask for help now!

I'm always here to help and serve!

Your partner on the journey!

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