Subject: Use Hashtags So Your Targeted Audience Can Find You

Good morning Friend, 

Hope all is well with you!

I just posted my marketing tip for the day and want to share it 

with you so you can add it to your marketing arsenal!

Hashtags are big today! Everything you read has an 

accompanying hashtag or two. 

If you're like me, I didn't know what hashtags were or more

importantly, how to use them. 

But after listening to other marketers who had more experience 

and watching videos and webinars, it began to make sense to me.

Hashtags can definitely make a difference in getting people to 

find you and if you haven't used them yet, Friend,

you should start. 

Here's a blog from a fellow marketer, Evan LaPage, that can 

be useful to you and give a little more information.  There's 

a funny video as  well...just for fun!

THERESA'S MARKETING TIP: Use Hashtags So Your Targeted
Audience Can Find You.

On social media, the use of hashtags is a way to categorize
content so it is easily found. It also helps you find content from
people or businesses that are relevant to yours. 

In essence, hashtags provide you with the opportunity
to connect with others on social media based on a common
theme or interest area.

For optimum results, be specific when using hashtags. (#)
You want a targeted audience that will engage in your content.

For example, if you're after Mercedes-Benz lovers, ‪#‎mbenz‬ will
attract more of the followers you want than ‪#‎car‬. 

Brand hashtags do not necessarily need to mention your own
brand but what your brand stands for. For example, for a
company like LegalShield, ‪#‎peaceofmind‬ or‪ #‎attorneyaccess‬
will attract the kinds of followers you seek. 

Hashtags are used slightly different on each social media platform
but overrall, they're keywords that pick up followers looking for
your specific content and they also increase your brand recognition.

I hope you found value in this and if so, please share it. If you have any
questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. 

That's it for now, Friend!

Until next time, 


Your partner on the journey! 

P.S. Here's a free Facebook Cheat Sheet 

along with a quick video about generating 

leads, getting sign ups and making more 

money in your network marketing business.  

Check it out HERE

Follow Me!! 







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really is just me, providing you with ways to help

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