Subject: Two Thumbs Down Today - from Theresa

Hey there, Friend,

How's it going? Hope all is well!

Two thumbs down for me this morning!

Yesterday, we did an impromptu yard

It wasn't planned or expected but there
was an offer to do it and of course I said

Now if this was an ordinary yard cleaning,
it wouldn't have been a problem.


It was a huge job...since the yard hadn't
been done for a long while!

The help came from my son who was visiting
and we recruited two of my grandsons.

Of course, I had to get in the act and that's
where my first thumbs down comes in...

There was a lot of dust and allergens in the
air and I have been sneezing ever since.

I had a terrible night...

Felt like I had a cold...

Still feeling that way right now!

So, this morning after driving my older
grandson to track practice, my brake light
went on...

Okay, not a problem...said the brake fluid
was low.

So I drove it to the dealership just to find out
that I needed brake pads and rotors for the
front brakes.

Here's the second thumbs down...

An easy 800 bucks with labor and parts.

I wanted to cry!

But...I just paid it and went on my way!

I need my car so there wasn't really much
else to do!

Since then, I have been fine!

I got back home, got back to work...

And this morning is already a memory!

Though I still feel like I have a cold!

Anyway, today I wanted to share my
opportunity with you!

If you're looking to join a wonderful company,
it is exactly that.

Here's a short video that will tell you more
about the opportunity.

If you like to help people, want to make a
difference and begin your journey to
financial freedom, click HERE.

I'd love to hear what you like about what
you saw.

And, if you're interested, reply back.

That's it for now!

But if you need me, I'm around!

Have a wonderful day!


Your partner on the journey!

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and make 
money from the 90% of people who say 
NO to 
my opportunity!

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